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Sam Raimi’s ‘Spider-Man 4’ Could Have Cast Angelina Jolie in a Surprising Role

Sam Raimi’s ‘Spider-Man 4’ Could Have Cast Angelina Jolie in a Surprising Role


It’s already been a year ago Spider-Man: No Coming Home brought fans closure to Sam Raimis’ original Spider-Man trilogy, which starred Tobey Maguire in the lead role. But now glimpses of what would have been Spiderman 4 fly through peoples news feeds.

It all started on November 27, when comic book illustrator Ken Penders posted a behind-the-scenes photo of early work on Twitter on Twitter. Spiderman 4. At the time, Oscar winner John Malkovich had been signed to play Adrian Toomes, and the costume department was already hard at work crafting his wings, though the script wasn’t finished. Once production stopped, all materials were returned. I’ve been sitting on this for almost 15 years, Penders tweeted.

It doesn’t stop there. The next day, November 28, /Film posted an interview with storyboard artist Jeff Henderson, who revealed one of the many plot synopses planned for Spiderman 4. In at least one version, the film is said to have introduced a new character, an unnamed female executive who picks up on the fiction The daily bugle newspaper and turn it into a TMZ-like a gossip magazine.

The kicker is that this character would be unmasked as the daughter of the Vultures, who takes up her father’s mantle to defeat Spider-Man.

The daily bugle was going to be taken over by a huge multinational conglomerate, much like a Daily News or one TMZsaid Henderson /Film, They wanted to turn the Daily Bugle into a gossip rag. And despite all of JJJ’s flaws, he was still a journalist. He’s still old school like Walter Cronkite, “News is news, it’s *** bulls”, that kind of thing.

Henderson personally loved the story, because you have this conflict between modern and social media’s sensibilities about news versus the old school version.

JK Simmons first played his eccentric reporter, J. Jonah Jameson, in Sam Raimis Spider Man trilogy. In Raimis’ canceled fourth film, its writing would have been taken over by an entrepreneur, played by Angelina Jolie, who buys The daily bugle.Columbia/Marvel/Kobal/Shutterstock

Had Spiderman 4 continued this story, the film would have Spider-Man defeat the Vulture in the first half of the film, who leaves his gadgets and mechanical wings to his daughter to take over as the Vultures. The non-fiction book With Great Power: How Spider-Man Conquered Hollywood in the Golden Age of Comic Book Blockbusters by Sean OConnell reported from OConnells own sources that star Angelina Jolie is surrounding the role.

The revelation was that the female executive who is in charge of the takeover, who oversees the company that was taken over the bugleends up being [Vulture’s] daughter, Henderson said. So they cover up everything that’s going on with the Vulture, and then she comes to believe that Spider-Man killed him. Then she discovers [Vulture’s] tech and reconnects. Again, that was a really cool way to get in and it touched on a lot of the really cool thematic stuff that was going on at the time, which particularly how it’s played out since then was a lot more on the nose which I think we knew at the time.

Whereas Spiderman 4 never entered production, the Vulture made its big screen debut in 2017 Spider-Man: Homecomingwith Michael Keaton in the role.Chuck Zlotnick/Columbia/Kobal/Shutterstock

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man Trilogy was handled by a different creative team, but some semblance of that twist still made it to the big screen. In the 2017 movie Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tom Hollands Peter Parker brings his crush, Liz (Laura Harrier) to the dance back from their schools. At his doorstep, he nervously learns that his father is none other than Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton).

Although Raimi is quite open at the idea of ​​doing his fourth Spider Manthe continued success of the inexplicably popular MCU Spider-Man and Sony Venom and Morbius (ironically as that popularity is) means it’s unlikely Raimis’ universe will be able to spawn a new web anytime soon. But with the impending collapse of the Marvel Multiverse, there may still be a way Tobey Maguires’ iconic webslinger can get through with one more movie and one more battle with the Vulture.




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