Breakthroughs in cancer testing as researchers develop faster detection
Researchers in Spain have made a breakthrough that allows cancer to be detected in hours using a cheap and easy mobile test kit.
Scientists at the Center for Genome Regulation in Barcelona have shown that nanotechnology can be used to analyze the ribonucleic acid (RNA) present in normal blood samples and detect abnormalities that indicate the presence of certain cancers. rice field.
This new technique forces RNA molecules through tiny pores in the membrane, causing measurable changes in electrical current. Due to its simplicity, it could provide important advances in the diagnosis of diseases in developing countries.
“Our goal is to develop this technology further and combine it with artificial intelligence tools to determine the malignancy of a biological sample within three hours and at a cost of just €50 per sample.” Senior Eva Novoa, Ph.D. She is the author of this study and a researcher at the Center for Genome Regulation.
The nanopore sequencing machine required for this technique is small, lightweight, and can be powered by a laptop or portable battery, making it easy to transport to remote locations and for use in the field or in the clinic.
“This is a very affordable technology, so it opens up the opportunity to bring sequencing into the field,” Dr. Novoa told The Telegraph.
Dr. Novoa pointed out that in the case of cancer, not only can it be detected without a biopsy, which requires laboratory tests, but it is possible to detect how advanced the disease is. bottom.
So far, the Barcelona team has worked on detecting lymphoma, breast cancer and bowel cancer, but the technology could also help detect other diseases.
“Exciting Information Plenty” Technique
RNA molecules are present in all living cells and different types of RNA play different roles.
Researchers at the Center for Genomic Regulation use transfer RNA (tRNA), which links messenger RNA sequences with the corresponding amino acids, to ensure that proteins bind correctly as directed by DNA.
tRNA is considered an ‘information-rich’ molecule with great potential for disease diagnosis. Mis-sequenced tRNAs are known to be biomarkers for various human diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.
However, until now, analyzing tRNA molecules to search for such irregularities required complex and costly methods, with results taking weeks.
“For the first time, we can study both tRNA abundance and tRNA modification profiles simultaneously,” says Dr. Novoa.
In addition to creating diagnostic tests for diseases, Dr. Novoa said, nanopore sequencing technology opens up many avenues for research using tRNAs to explore how molecules are affected by various diseases and drugs. , said they would explore the potential use of tRNA for future therapy.
“This technique will be very helpful. I’m really excited,” she said.
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