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US sees increase in Indian immigrants at border with Canada

US sees increase in Indian immigrants at border with Canada


Border crossing attempts by illegal immigrants of Indian nationals have increased on the US border with Canada in recent years.

Nearly 44,000 Indian nationals attempted to cross the Canada-U.S. border illegally in fiscal 2024, compared to about 30,000 in fiscal 2023 and 17,331 in fiscal 2022, the latest figures show. latest from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection data portal.

Indian nationals were the most frequently encountered nationality at the northern border among those tracked during the last fiscal year, accounting for approximately 22% of the total of 198,929 land border crossings at the Canada-U.S. border during the financial year 2024.

Trump boasts of 'very productive meeting' with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau at Mar-A-Lago

President-elect Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Getty Images)

The latest figures come as President-elect Trump prepares to take office for a second time, with renewed border security promises one of the former president's favorite selling points on the campaign trail.

Trump met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida on Friday. Trump said the two leaders had a “very productive” conversation, including discussions on border security.

“We discussed many important issues that both countries will need to work together on, such as the fentanyl and drug crisis that has decimated so many lives due to illegal immigration, fair trade agreements that do not endanger American workers and the huge trade deficit the United States has with Canada,” Trump wrote on Truth Social on Saturday.

“I have made it very clear that the United States will no longer stand idly by while our citizens fall victim to the scourge of this drug epidemic, caused primarily by drug cartels and the influx of fentanyl from China. Too many deaths and difficulties!”

People cross the U.S.-Canada border in Blaine, Washington, August 9, 2021. (Reuters/David Ryder)


The Canadian government has already decided to tighten its border policies amid tense relations with the United States, according to a September Financial Times report, starting with a withdrawal of its permissive work visa program.

“US lawmakers are calling for strengthening the northern border with Canada due to fears of illegal immigration from Canada,” Glenn Cowan, founder and chief executive of security firm One9, told the Financial Times. “Stemming the flow of these visas will strengthen relations with the United States.”

That work could become more important as the Canadian government prepares to work again with Trump, who has in the past threatened to impose tariffs on Canada and Mexico.

A Canadian Customs and Fisheries officer monitors the Canada-U.S. border between Blaine, Washington, and White Rock, British Columbia. (Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images/File)


Trump did not say Saturday whether such tariffs were still on the table after his talks with Trudeau, although he made clear that the two leaders also discussed energy, trade and Arctic relations .

“These are all vital issues that I will address in my first days back in office and before,” Trump said.

Michael Lee is a writer for Fox News. Before joining Fox News, Michael worked for the Washington Examiner, and Unbiased America. He has covered politics for more than eight years.




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