Relationship between blood coagulation and AstraZeneca vaccine
Q & A with Matthew Linden, Associate Professor of Hematology, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, UWA
What are blood coagulation disorders associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine?
Blood clots occur when the body is delicately out of balance, causing blood to clot during circulation. This blocks blood flow to and from important organs. Rarely, this subtle temporary disruption of blood balance was observed between 4 and 14 days after administration of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. This is called “thrombus-promoting thrombocytopenia.” “Thrombus-promoting” means that thrombi may form, and “thrombocytopenia” means a sharp decrease in the number of blood cells that are central to maintaining this balance. Means. These cells are sometimes called platelets, but more commonly they are called platelets.
Here, the interaction of the drug with the proteins in the platelets initiates an immune response against the platelets. Platelets react by activating and agglutinating, causing blood clots. The immune system also removes platelets, causing a sharp decrease in platelet counts. In most cases, it may reflect a transient immune response to the vaccine and occurs on the first dose. However, experience with the second dose is limited.
Guidelines for the detection and treatment of vaccine-related clots have been developed by the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Society of Australia and New Zealand. These focus on confirming the diagnosis by immune and functional tests. Based on these studies, you can consider using certain non-heparin anticoagulants for up to 6 months and short-term immunosuppressants.
What increases the risk of blood clots?
Blood clots are common. They are the leading causes of death and disability in the world. The majority of blood clots that develop are associated with dietary and lifestyle risk factors, followed by genetic risk factors, and drugs rarely contribute to risk. Some drugs, such as estrogen, found in oral contraceptives can increase the production of proteins that promote coagulation, which is risky, especially when combined with lifestyle and genetic risk factors. Drug-induced thrombocytopenia is associated with some antibiotics, malaria treatment, and other commonly used drugs, including anticoagulants. It can also be seen in the use of illegal drugs.
If you are hospitalized for any reason, your risk of blood clots is about 100 times higher. It will be even higher if intensive care is needed. COVID-19 seems to increase this even further, with up to a quarter of COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU developing blood clots that remain in the lungs.
Conversely, blood clots that result from vaccines are rare. In fact, it’s so rare that there aren’t enough cases in the world to see how old is a factor. Cases have been reported in all age groups. Most of the cases reported so far have been women aged 20-55 years.
Do Western Australians need to be aware of the period at risk of blood clots after AstraZeneca vaccination and the symptoms that may require urgent medical attention?
Symptoms depend on the organs affected by the blood clot. Blurred vision and seizures require urgent medical attention, whether recently vaccinated or not. Headaches are normal one or two days after vaccination. However, headaches that begin 4 to 14 days after vaccination may require medical evaluation because they are severe and persistent and do not respond to paracetamol. Also follow the symptomatology warning advice provided during vaccination.
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