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Disneyland deploys mini-parades in preparation for Halloween parade – Daily News


The return of the parade floats along Main Street USA is another sign that Disneyland is slowly but steadily starting to reintroduce more live entertainment sidelined by the extended coronavirus shutdown of the Anaheim theme park.

Disneyland and Disney California Adventure have started offering three mini parades in preparation for the return of a full parade in September linked to the start of the Halloween season.

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The mini-parades known as the Cavalcades feature a Frozen float covered in snow and icicles with Anna and Elsa at Disneyland and a Toy Story procession in DCA with Woody, Jessie and Sarge driving an army jeep filled with oversized toys. .

Disneyland also has a Mickey and Friends Cavalcade with a rotating cast of characters that may include the Fab Five, Chip and Dale, Peter Pan, Wendy and Captain Hook and the Disney Princesses traveling in or walking behind Main Street USA vehicles. MouseCat posted photos of the three cavalcades.

The characters who will be on the Nightmare Before Christmas float in the spookily fun parade at Disneyland Resort pictured during a media preview Tuesday, July 30, 2019 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Jeff Gritchen, Orange County Register / SCNG)

The Frightfully Fun Parade will be part of DCA Oogie Boogie Bash which runs on select nights starting September 9. Over the past few years, the Night Parade has featured the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow with Nightmare Before Christmas, Haunted Mansion, Dr. Facilier, and Disney’s Villainous Parade Chariots.

Cavalcades are part of the continued evolution of Disneyland entertainment in the coronavirus era, with the park developing new ways for visitors to view characters while maintaining at least 6 feet of social distance. Disneyland and DCA have been experimenting with clever ways to have Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars characters pose for traditional encounter photos without coming into direct contact with visitors as the parks gradually reopen.

The cavalcades expand upon these encounter experiences as the parks slowly work towards a full-fledged parade during the special limited-attendance Oogie Boogie Bash event.

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Disneyland has brought back the Mickey Mix Magic fireworks show in time for July 4 as visitors continue to feel more comfortable with rising crowd levels after more than a year of social distancing.

Disneyland marching band and live background music like Five & Dime and the Pearly Band are also back.

The next step will be to bring back the Magic Happens parade which only lasted a few weeks before the coronavirus shutdown in March 2020 at Disneyland.

After that, expect to see the eventual return of the Fantasmic and World of Color nightly shows that draw massive crowds along the Disneyland and DCA waterways.

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The final pieces of the returning entertainment lineup are expected to be smaller indoor shows like the Disney Junior Dance Party in Hollywood Land and the Royal Theater stage performances in Fantasyland, followed by larger productions to replace DCA Frozen Live and Disneylands. Mickey and the Magical Map.




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