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Miles Teller says he’s vaccinated amid months of controversy


Miles Teller finally responded to the rumors and announced that he had been vaccinated “for some time” against COVID-19.

The timing of Teller’s short and seemingly reluctant statement on Twitter late Monday night will only raise more questions.

Teller’s statement comes nearly two months after he was first accused in reports of stopping production of a TV series because he was allegedly hospitalized with COVID and after refusing to do so. vaccinate. The actor’s statement also comes two weeks after he was embroiled in his friend Aaron Rodgers’ anti-vaccine controversy.

Teller’s statement may have been prompted by new questions that emerged on Monday about her appearance in Taylor Swift’s new music video for her song “I Bet You Think About Me.” The video was dropped on Monday and immediately sparked investigations into COVID security protocols on the set of the video, which was produced by Blake Lively.

What is Miles Teller doing here? Was he finally vaccinated? Daily Beast Entertainment Journalist Laura Bradley

The Daily Beast said it had contacted representatives for Teller and Swift regarding her appearance in the video, but those representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the actors’ vaccination status and COVID protocols on the set of videos.

A few hours later, Teller tweeted:“Hey guys, I usually don’t feel the need to respond to rumors here, but I’m vaccinated and have been for a while. The only thing I’m anti is hate.

While some people offered favorable responses and told Teller that his vaccination status was nobody’s business, his tweet and, in particular, his use of the phrase “for a while” did not. only sparks more questions.

One person noted which Teller “surely” could have clarified months ago, or even taken legal action, if previous reports of his vaccine resistance had not been true. “I support his right to choose but the choices have consequences,” the person said.

Someone else offered a “translation” from what Teller’s statement said: “Taylor Swift’s PR didn’t like how my non-vaccination status has gained traction since the release of her music video I Am In, so now I am obliged to clarify so as not to attract any bad press in its own way.

For several months now, the 34-year-old “Whiplash” actor has been at the center of a heated debate in Hollywood about film and television artists who have expressed skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccine or who refuse to to get vaccinated.

According to a Daily Mail report, Teller caused a headache on the set of his new TV series by refusing to get the shot. The Mail said its positive test in late July forced production to stop on the set of The Offer in Los Angeles, a Paramount + series about the making of the classic film, The Godfather.

The Daily Mail cited a production source who said Teller is not vaccinated. He wouldn’t even have had the test. Now he brought the virus to the set and the whole set had to stop.

The Daily Mail also reported that the work stoppage cost the production company $ 6 million.

The Hollywood Reporter also said an actor he did not name tested positive for COVID-19. In an account consistent with the Daily Mails report on Teller, the Hollywood Reporter said the actor needed hospitalization and production on his project had to stop for three weeks.

The actor was known to cast and crew as being dismissive of vaccines, the reporter said, but after the star tested positive for COVID-19, other members of the crew also fell ill.

At the time, Tellers’ publicist told the Daily Mail their facts were inaccurate, while a Paramount + representative told The Hollywood Reporter that the cost of the work stoppage was less than $ 6 million.

Over the past two weeks, Teller has – willingly or not – also played a supporting role in the Rodgers anti-vaccination controversy. The Green Bay Packers quarterback tested positive for COVID and was forced out of the Nov. 7 Packers game against the Kansas City Chiefs. The reigning NFL MVP has also been accused of deliberately misleading the public about his vaccination status and violating NFL COVID protocols by not wearing a mask at indoor team events .

On November 5, Rodgers attempted to justify his decision not to get the vaccine by appearing on The Pat McAffee, where he lashed out at the waking crowd, claimed to have received medical advice from podcaster Joe Rogan and spat misinformation about vaccines and treatments.

Some have questioned whether Rodgers’ opinions on COVID-19 were influenced by his fiancée, Shailene Woodley, or by Teller, Woodley’s friend and co-star in the “Divergent” films. Woodley hasn’t said anything about her own vaccination status, but she has already publicly stated her preference for herbal remedies, alternative treatments, and even the consumption of clay to supposedly rid the body of the metals and toxins.

Following Rodgers’ anti-vaccination comments, images of him and Woodley vacationing with Teller and his wife, model Keleigh Sperry, have circulated online, suggesting a close bond between the two couples. Sperry shared several images of the quartet enjoying lavish and fun trips to the Kentucky Derby in April and Maui in May.

The reported anti-vaccination views expressed by Rodgers and Teller cast this holiday in a new light, while Teller’s appearance in Swift’s video has drawn renewed attention to his overt opposition to the vaccine.




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