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Deepika Padukone says trips to the US would ‘upset’ her, recalls actor telling her, ‘You speak very good English’

Deepika Padukone says trips to the US would ‘upset’ her, recalls actor telling her, ‘You speak very good English’


bollywood star Deepika Padukone forging her own path internationally, not only through movies, but also by appearing on popular talk shows and making high-profile appearances at industry events. The actor is currently the global ambassador for several international brands, including Adidas, Levi’s, Louis Vuitton and now Cartier.

Deepika, who is currently in Paris attending the Brand of Fashion event, spoke to their digital magazine about her journey in showbiz and how she landed where she is now.

Deepika confessed that she always wanted to be a model growing up, and it was her athletic training that helped shape her into the consummate professional she is today. Over the past few years, some of the most sought-after luxury brands have brought Deepika aboard their projects, feeling her own brand worth.

Cartier is committed to creating meaningful, authentic connections with extraordinarily talented individuals. Deepika Padukone is a multi-layered, creative and philanthropic actress with an open and outspoken nature that has made her resonate across all borders,” said Cartier Marketing Director Arnaud Carrez in an interview with BOF.

She was considered one of the jury members at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, and according to IMDbPro, her films have grossed nearly $350 million worldwide, not including the star. from Vin Diesel xXx: Return of Xander Cage, which single-handedly earned that figure in the global market.

Deepika also talked about racial stereotypes in Hollywood and how the West often views foreigners: You’re the scientist. You are the computer geek. You are the taxi driver. You are the therapist. You own a convenience store. My fans asked me why I didn’t do more [global] movies. But that’s not what I settle for, because I am and we are much more than that. It upset me every time I went to the United States. Some of the things that are said and some of the things that are done right [make it] so obvious that people don’t know the world outside the world they live in.

The actor recalled meeting an actor at a Vanity Fair party who complimented her on speaking English, not realizing how offensive it could be. good. I didn’t even understand what that meant. And when I came back, I said: What do you mean, you speak very good English? Did he have this idea that we don’t speak English? Deepika asked.

Deepika Padukone, who was last seen in Gehraiyaan, has Nag Ashwin feature, Hindi remake of The Intern, Shah Rukh star Khan Pathaan and actor Hrithik Roshan Fighter lined up. She will also star in and executive produce an upcoming Hollywood project, described as a “cross-cultural romantic comedy.”




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