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Actress Octavia Spencer will receive her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Actress Octavia Spencer will receive her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (WDAM) – Hollywood is said to be a place where stars can be seen during the day. Later this month, a new star will be added to the iconic Walk of Fame with a name familiar to most of us in Mississippi.

Award-winning actress Octavia Spencer, known for her roles in Ugly and The shape of wateris honored next week with the 2,742 star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star will be located at 6623 Hollywood Boulevard across from Ballet Hollywood.

Spencer will receive her star in the motion picture category.

Octavia Spencer is one of Hollywood’s most captivating actresses, appearing in numerous films that have endeared her to fans around the world, said Hollywood Walk of Fame producer Ana Martinez. Octavia has won many of the entertainment world’s most coveted awards for her work.

Although Spencer is originally from Montgomery, Alabama and graduated from Auburn University, she began her film career in 1996 A time to kill, a film about a murder trial, set in rural Canton, Mississippi, against a black father who killed two white men who hit his 10-year-old daughter. Spencer played a nurse for Sandra Bullocks’ character, Ellen Roark. Spencer’s character names were not listed.

After the film’s release, she landed other small roles until a standout performance on Ugly Betty, which landed her on People Magazines 25 Funniest People in Hollywood.

Since then, Octavia Spencer has become a staple on TV and in film; however, her performance as Minny Jackson in the 2011 DreamWorks feature film Ugly, earned him an Academy Award, BAFTA Award, Golden Globe Award, SAG Award, and Broadcast Film Critics Choice Award among many other accolades.

Uglybased on a novel of the same name by a Mississippi author, tells the stories of African American maids working in white households in Jackson in the early 1960s. Spencer’s character, Jackson, is perhaps best known for bringing a special pie to his former employer.

Octavia Spencer & Viola Davis in a scene from
Octavia Spencer & Viola Davis in a scene from “The Help”

Spencer has since received two additional individual Oscar nominations and served as executive producer on the critically acclaimed drama, green bookwhich won the Oscar for best picture in 2019 and the Golden Globe for best musical or comedy film.

Spencer also starred in the 2019 psychological horror film Mom, which was filmed in Natchez by a Jackson-born director. Spencer played Sue Ann, an adult who tries to make herself popular with a group of teenagers by letting them throw parties in her basement, which turned into a deadly obsession.

Currently, Spencer can be seen in the holiday movie Fiery, on Apple TV+, alongside Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell. On the small screen, she will also return for the third season of the Apple TV+ thriller, The truth must be toldas Poppy Parnell, a true crime podcast host who risks everything in pursuit of truth and justice.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has hosted the Hollywood Walk of Fame since 1960. Through the Walk of Fame, the Chamber has declared that it celebrates the business that turns us all into an entertainment business.

We’re thrilled to give her the only award that can be shared with her fans as they pose with and touch her star once it’s added to our iconic sidewalk,” added Martinez.

The ceremony will take place on Thursday, December 8 at 11:30 a.m. The event will be broadcast live exclusively on

To learn more about Spencer’s work, click HERE.

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