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Rishi Kapoor’s Death Anniversary: ​​A Look At Bollywood’s Best Lover Boy Movies | People News

Rishi Kapoor’s Death Anniversary: ​​A Look At Bollywood’s Best Lover Boy Movies |  People News


Mumbai: Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor will be remembered as someone full of life. The iconic chocolatier of Indian cinema began his career with ‘Mera Naam Joker’ in 1970, which earned him popularity and appreciation from critics. The film also starred the former actor and his father Raj Kapoor. This movie labeled him as a boy in love and not another angry Bollywood young man. The era he entered also saw the beginnings of legend Amitabh Bachchan. Bollywood’s vibe was dominated by late actors Vinod Khanna and Bachchan delivering action-packed, one-man army movies, but Rishi Kapoor decided not to join the bandwagon and create his type of cinema.

On the anniversary of the death of veteran actors, here are some films that remind us of Rishi Kapoor as one of Bollywood’s finest actors who redefined the concept of a hero by shattering the typical understanding of the character as being a youngster. angry man who can defeat his enemies whether they number 4 or 400.

Police officer

Wealthy people who plan to marry their son into another wealthy family are nothing new. But chaos happens when the guy likes a girl who doesn’t belong to the class accepted by her parents. The melodrama of “Bobby” is fantastic and tells how even the simplest stories can be told in an exciting way. Rishi and actress Dimple Kapadia nailed every scene in the movie perfectly. Who doesn’t remember the classic song “Hum Tum Ek Kmare Mai BAnd ho” from this movie


The film “Karz” was not another typical love story, as it offered suspense and literal trills to the audience. The concept of being reborn and planning an act of revenge was the plot of the film. Delighted, the character played by Kapoor will always remain iconic and irreplaceable.

Amar Akbar Anthony

The movie which starred Rishi with two angry young men, Amitabh Bachchan and Vinod Khanna, makes it easier for us to understand their true status and the type of movies they were delivering. Kapoor played the youngest brother of the trio and his character was about love, love and love, which was the exact opposite of the other characters.


The couple of Sridevi and Rishi Kapoor were a living example of what on-screen chemistry looks like. Even though the lead role was played by the late actress Sridevi, we still can’t take our eyes off Rishi’s character. The movie was a huge box office hit with tons of classic songs we still sing along to when we’re absolutely in love with someone.

Yeh Vaada Raha

The romantic musical drama gave audiences every reason to return to the theater. The plot of the story revolves around Vikram’s mother (Rishi) who does not approve of his choice when it comes to making her daughter-in-law. The constant struggle is a joy to watch and tells how you have to defend your love, whether against someone in your family.

Rishi Kapoor was the person who spread love everywhere with his films and his personality. These movies are just a few drops from the veteran’s vast ocean filmography.




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