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Indiana Jones actor recalls nearly dying on the set of Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indiana Jones actor recalls nearly dying on the set of Raiders of the Lost Ark


John Rhys-Davies, who played Sallah in The Raiders of the Lost Arkrecently shared some vivid memories of the challenges the cast and crew faced while filming Steven Spielberg's iconic film.

During filming, widespread food poisoning struck the crew while filming in Tunisia. Speaking on Inside You with Michael Rosenbaum podcast, Rhys-Davies confirmed the truth and seriousness of the stories surrounding the illnesses that appeared on set. He told how dysentery caused him to lose a staggering 22 pounds in just two days. The gravity of the situation was evident when he described lying in a hotel bed, ravaged by fever and discomfort, with ants crawling all over him due to room infestation.


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Rhys-Davies said: “I lost 22 pounds. I don't know about the crew. All I know is there was a sequence where the German cook is going to shoot me and he takes me out and Steven says, “John, can you lean over and give him a best line of sight? » And in doing so, I filled my djellaba in front of 200 people and I didn't care. My next memory is of me lying in this hotel bed. Unfortunately, it's a hotel room where no matter where I put the damn bed, this little column of ants comes in, walks across my chest and comes out somewhere.

He added: “So I'm lying in this bed with ants in it that I've vomited and excreted in. My temperature is like 105. I'm dying. I'm probably dying of dysentery or diphtheria. And I hear the key go into the lock, and the little flame of life begins to light as the door opens. Our wonderful Australian doctor arrives. And she doubles over and says, “Oh my God, John, I see you have it too.” Can I use your toilet? God died at that moment. I knew there was no hope…I wanted to die. Anyway, massive rehydration and, you know, it feels better. I lost 22 pounds in two days… My gut was never really the same after that.


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John Rhys-Davies managed to recover

Despite the grim circumstances, Rhys-Davies managed to recover through intensive rehydration efforts. Harrison Ford, who played the main character Indiana Jones, previously revealed that the film's iconic gun-versus-sword sequence was a spontaneous decision born from illness that spread on set. Ford, Rhys-Davies and other members of the crew were battling dysentery at the time, leading to a last-minute revision to the original elaborate plan of the fight scene.

Ford said: “This guy, the swordsman…had worked for months to perfect his skills with the scimitar. We had to film a four-day whip and scimitar fight in a market. And I suffered from dysentery, as did many of the crew. … So it was up to me to say, “Should we think about reducing this?” Let's just shoot this son of a bitch. » And Steven said, “I was thinking about that myself!” But it was a terrible disappointment for the poor guy who had worked all this time to perfect his skills. »

Source: Inside You with Michael Rosenbaum

Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark Poster

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

In 1936, archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones was hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis could obtain its formidable powers.

Steven Spielberg

Release date
June 12, 1981

Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, John Rhys-Davies, Ronald Lacey, Denholm Elliott

Lawrence Kasdan, George Lucas, Philip Kaufman

1 hour 55 minutes

Main genre

Production company
Paramount Pictures, Lucasfilm




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