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Timothe Chalamet signs first deal with Warner Bros.

Timothe Chalamet signs first deal with Warner Bros.


Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group remains in Timothée Chalamet's company.

The film company signed the star of its back-to-back box office hits Wonka And Dune: part two to a multi-year first look feature agreement.

Details were not disclosed, but the company said it would collaborate with the star on projects in which he would star and produce.

“Over the past few years, we have admired not only Timothée's commitment to his craft, reflected in the breadth and depth of his varied roles, but also his unwavering dedication to devoting 100% of his time and effort his attention to every project he has. made here at Warner Bros. and elsewhere,” film group co-chairmen and CEOs Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy said in a statement.

“His collaboration in campaigns for Dune And Wonka is something we have all enjoyed immensely, and the results speak for themselves,” the statement added. “We continue to build the future of the theatrical film industry at Warner Bros. Discovery and are thrilled that Timothée has chosen our studio as his creative home.”

Chalamet's double has so far generated more than $1.2 billion at the worldwide box office. Wonkain which the actor played the main character, grossed $632 million. Dune: part two, which Warners produced with Legendary Entertainment and which is still playing very well in theaters, has grossed $575.5 million to date. The actor was nominated for an Oscar for his 2017 hit, Call me by your nameand appeared in films such as Little woman And The French dispatch.

Locking up talent has become de rigeur for Warners under De Luca and Abdy, whom the CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery has named David Zaslav to head the studio in 2022. The team is on a mission to arm the studio's talent bank, with some speculating. that a possible sale of Warners is at the origin of these movements. Since the writers' and actors' strikes ended last year, the studio has signed deals with Tom Cruise, Margot Robbie's LuckyChap, Rian Johnson's T-Street and Jon M. Chu's Electric Somewhere Co., among others. He also arrested M. Night Shyamalan before the strikes. The deals also coincide with agreements with renowned filmmakers such as Ryan Coogler and Paul Thomas Anderson for new film projects.

“Working with Mike De Luca, Pam Abdy and their teams on Wonka And Dune These past few years have been a deeply enriching experience,” Chalamet said. “These are studio heads who believe in true filmmaking, and I am very grateful for their support as actors, producers and collaborators. This partnership seems like a natural next step. Let's go!”




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