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American Idol Season 22 Episode 6 Recap: Hollywood Week

American Idol Season 22 Episode 6 Recap: Hollywood Week


It's Hollywood Week and the pressure is on for “American Idol” contestants. With only one chance to perform in front of the judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry And Lionel Richie in the first-ever Idol Arena, who will survive the biggest break in “Idol” history? Ryan Seacrest hosts Sunday, March 31 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EDT) on ABC. Follow our live blog for “American Idol 22” Episode 6 below.

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8:05 p.m. — The contestants arrive in Hollywood as we learn more about the Idol Arena. Lionel prefers to call it “the Gladiators’ pit”. The judges tell the singers that they will be tested on their talent and their ability to stand with their nerves about to burst out of their skin. More than half of them will return home by the end of this operation. This is the biggest piece in American Idol history! We see the Platinum Ticket winners (who get a bye in the first round) sing a trio on “California Dreamin'” and prove why they (Odell Bunton Jr.., Abi Carter And Julie Gagnon) are considered first in their class. They did not disappoint and brought the room down with a standing ovation. From now on, one by one, the candidates will be called on stage – but they will not know when! They only get one shot. By the end of the night, most will be deleted. Let's go!

8:10 p.m.Triston Harper will kick things off with an original song called “Wrapped Up in Jesus.” The 15-year-old gets the crowd to applaud as Katy says: “I like him.” Luke says he made them smile. Katy says it was nice to see him first and now he can enjoy the show. Next is Quintavieuxthe 21-year-old worship leader singing “Help Me” from Cort Chavis. There are people crying in the audience and Luke says it was “better than the audition.” Next is Hailey Miaa 16-year-old high school student singing “Love in the Dark” from Adele. They go through them quickly! Lionel says: “You came out in great shape! »

8:20 p.m. — The next step is Loretta Lynnthe granddaughter of, Emmy Russell, singing an original called “Like That”. Katy loves that the 24-year-old is a good songwriter, but she knows Emmy has more reach. “You left a little margin on the table,” the judge said. “If you have the opportunity to sing again, let’s extend it.” Now it's Jack Blocker, who doesn't feel very confident after failing to convince Katy during the auditions. He sings “Your Cheatin' Heart” from Hank Williams while trying to control his exaggerated facial expressions, he was criticized during his audition. I don't know if he made it there, but he looks great. Luke tells him, “Always stay loyal to Jack Blocker. » After leaving the stage, Katy admits: “I had to close my eyes and listen. »

8:30 p.m.Kayko then takes the stage singing a song he wrote about his audition and the imposter syndrome he feels in Hollywood. The 23-year-old from Florida only showed up to the auditions to accompany someone else on the piano before being recruited himself by the judges. His song “And if?” » brings a smile to Katy's face followed by tears. Katy says, “You are not the accident, you are the opportunity.” » Luke said: “We're very glad you took a chance.”

8:40 p.m. — The next step is Abby Blake, 25-year-old singer Kayko originally accompanied him to the auditions. She sings “Vienna” from Billy Joel and Katy says, “The nerves got the better of your vibrato, but it was a step up from your hearing.” Then 17 years old Jennifer Jeffries sings an original song called “You Were a Child”. It's about seeing some of his siblings struggle with mental health issues. She has one of the most unique tones in the competition. Luke loves it. It’s a standing ovation for this young man. Katy says: “It's a little hard, it's a little dirty, it's not perfect…and it's great.” She goes on to say, “I don't know if you're going to win this thing, but I think you're going to be a star.”

9:00 p.m. — A return of advertisements arrives halfway Her“(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman” from “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman”. The 28-year-old Broadway performer brings the house down with this Aretha Franklin classic. “Pure gold on tone,” Luke said. Then it's the sisters Mia And Jacy Matthews. Jaycee is up first and the 17-year-old sings “Up to the Mountain” from Patty Griffin. Luke says his vibrato is “a little behind the beat, but it's definitely an improvement on his hearing.” Next, Mia, 19, sings “Mama's Broken Heart” from Miranda Lambert. Lionel says his classmates “loved it” and that means “you were wonderful at what you did.” The conclusion of this segment is KBlocsa 27-year-old from Alabama singing “Valerie” from Amy Winehouse. The judges can't help but smile as this quirky singer graces the stage and give her a standing ovation after this performance. Katy calls her a “star”.

9:05 p.m. — The second hour begins with McKenna Faith Breinholt singing “When We Were Young” by Adele. McKenna had one of the most memorable auditions of the season when she reunited with her biological family in front of the judges. Tonight she's even more impressive, showing off sultry low notes that have her competitors screaming and hollering. “It was one of my favorites that I saw all year,” Luke says. As McKenna leaves the stage, Katy notes, “I'm worried about her voice though.” Does the judge foresee possible tight ropes in the future?

9:15 p.m. — Next stop is Brooklyn He is coming singing “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It’s another ovation for this vocal beast, as Lionel says: “We’ve never encountered a class like this. Ajii, I don't know where you come from, but you are the motivator. SO Madai Chakell takes the stage, hoping to impress Luke (who failed his audition) with “Tattooed Heart” from Ariana Grande. She gets off to a rocky start by asking the group, “Hey can we do this again, I wasn’t feeling that one.” After a second attempt, she stops again, saying, “We're going to do this a cappella because it doesn't come out the way we practiced.” “I don't think it's much better. Luke says “it was a little shaky in places, but thanks for playing.” Madai blames the pianist and is unlikely to get away with it. Then, in a surprise twist, she gave it another chance! Next, Madai asks for a chair because she feels “shaky.” Okay, Diva! This performance is followed by muffled applause. I think everyone is uncomfortable and just wants her gone at this point. Luke says, “Maybe we’ll do “American Humble” at some point. »

9:30 p.m. — Next, a montage of artists who seemed to be struggling with the pressure tonight: Camila Galavis is only 14 years old and can't control his nerves, Isabella Mercier I forgot his words and Amanda Mograss admits she wasn't ready. SO Kaibrienne “KB” Richins takes the stage with a song that she says she feels like she wrote herself, “How Could You” from Jessie Murph. She bursts into tears in the middle, but pulls herself together and finishes the song supremely. People are crying all over the audience. Lionel says: “I am very proud of what you do. »

9:45 p.m.Ziggy is a late arrival in Hollywood because his VISA almost didn't arrive on time! He arrives like a fashion icon ready to perform, without any nerves. The Amsterdammer will perform later, but it's nice to see that he succeeded! SO Will Mosley sings her version of “Whiskey and You” by Chris Stapleton. The judges give her their approval and Katy says, “You are the real deal.” What you deliver is so solid and so realistic – I’m afraid of you…and I love it! SO Romain Collins hits the keyboard with a church version of “Gravity”, Mackenzie Sol is briefly shown doing so, followed by Blake Proehl showing his most sensitive side and Justice Murphy bringing out her inner diva. Lionel says removing half of this class “is impossible.”

9:55 p.m.Kennedy Reid, the resident undertaker, took the stage singing the traditional hymn “How Great Thou Art!” » Lionel exclaims: “That’s not the person we met!” Luke calls the performance “incredible.” To conclude today, it's Ziggy. The colorful character shows a more sensitive side as she sings “All I Want” from Kodaline. Katy says that many people have never seen anything like Ziggy and that he is able to break all their judgments.

10:01 p.m. — The performances are over and now 143 hopefuls wait while judges make tough decisions. Among the 80 who disappeared during the biggest montage in “Idol” history, we find Noah Peters, Connell Gorman, Kyra, Abby Blake, Bethany Teague, Maggie Iyer, Madai Chakell, Who, CJ Rislove And Jacy Matthews. The majority of those names weren't featured tonight, so that's not too surprising. There are only 56 candidates left out of the 143 brought to Hollywood. Tomorrow night, that group will be reduced to just 24 in the iconic Showstoppers Round.

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