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The 27-year-old aspiring actor still lives with his parents and earns less than $600 a month. Caleb Hammer responds

The 27-year-old aspiring actor still lives with his parents and earns less than $600 a month.  Caleb Hammer responds


The 27-year-old aspiring actor still lives with his parents and earns less than $600 a month.  Caleb Hammer responds

The 27-year-old aspiring actor still lives with his parents and earns less than $600 a month. Caleb Hammer responds

Some might say that the secret to a successful marriage lies in the willingness of both partners to do their own part.

Unfortunately, recently engaged Sam and Penn, 27 and 24, respectively, aren't exactly on the path to marital bliss because Sam doesn't work as hard or contribute as much financially.

During a episode from Caleb Hammers' YouTube series, Financial Audit, Sam revealed that he earns significantly less than Penn because he hopes to start a career as a professional voice actor.

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So far, he's only had a handful of gigs and made just $252 last month for his voice work.

You need to go make some money, Hammer told him. Unfortunately, lack of enthusiasm or outright dislike for a formal 9-5 job is increasingly becoming the norm among young Americans.

Leaving the labor market

Men have gradually left the labor market over the past few decades. In the 1950s, the labor force participation rate for men was consistently above 80%, according to the Federal Reserve. data. At the start of the 2000s, this rate remained constantly above 70%. However, in February 2024, the rate was 67.7%.

Economist Nick Eberstadt estimates that about seven million prime-age men, ages 25 to 54, intentionally avoid the labor market, even though employment is readily available and some sectors are facing a labor shortage.

To be fair, Sam isn't unemployed. He works as a part-time substitute teacher because his voice acting gigs simply aren't enough to put in a living.

Unfortunately, he admitted that he doesn't like teaching and is reluctant to push for more hours. He estimated a monthly income of $1,200 from this flexible teaching job, although Hammer's audit of his finances found he earned only $314 last month from teaching. Combined with the $252 he earned from his voice work that same month, Sam earned less than $600 in those 30 days.

As this income is not enough for housing, Sam lives with his parents. To be fair, that's not entirely unusual given that about one in three Americans ages 18 to 34 currently lives with their parents, according to data published by the Pew Research Center.

Sam's recent engagement also makes it likely that he will eventually move out. However, Hammer believes the couple is not financially prepared for such a large commitment.

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Not prepared for marriage

Sam's fiancé, Penn, works from home and makes $15 an hour as an AI chatbot moderator. His annual income is around $23,400. She also lives with her parents.

Although Penn earns more than Sam, she must save some of her income for dental care. She worries about her financial future as the couple may have to survive on one income.

According to data released last year by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 24.5% of married couples relied on a single income; however, only 7.5% of these couples relied solely on their spouse's income.

That being said, Penn feels her current income isn't enough to live with Sam. She's considering finding another job at the post office that potentially pays better, but as Hammer pointed out for the sake of the marriage, Sam needs to pitch in as well.

According to Penn, her fiancé is reluctant to work because of his stubbornness, his ego and the fact that he is a man. She added: As far as I know, nothing is happening.

Hammer recommended that Sam put aside his dream of becoming a full-time voice actor to focus on the needs of his family.

He thinks a full-time job for Sam, whether as a teacher or at a fast-food restaurant, could significantly improve the couple's finances. You're not an adult, he told Sam.

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