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Aadujeevitham actor Jimmy Jean-Louis talks about working with Blessy, opens up about his turbulent life: I was homeless in Paris at one point | Malayalam News

Aadujeevitham actor Jimmy Jean-Louis talks about working with Blessy, opens up about his turbulent life: I was homeless in Paris at one point |  Malayalam News


Haitian actor and producer Jimmy Jean-Louis is very excited to enter the Indian film industry with Prithviraj Sukumaran And BlessedIt is Aadujeevitham (The Goat's Life). The actor recently spoke about his experience working in his first Indian film and his desire to do more films, including Bollywood films with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan.

In this interview with, Jimmy talks about his journey from living as a homeless person in France to modeling for luxury fashion brands, then acting and finally landing a role in an Indian film , which has always “fascinated” him. He also sheds light on his godlike role in Aadujeevitham and his future plans to work in more Indian films.

Aadujeevitham is one of the most poignant survival dramas ever made today. Jimmy says, “I like what the story means because it’s based on a true story. The character I represent is a character sent by God, like an angel who appears in the middle of a desert and does a good deed. The role has a lot of depth and the film sends a great message about humanity. And also, this is my first film in India, so to be presented in this way is great.

Jimmy was associated with Aadujeevitham in 2020 while the film released in 2018-2019, then the Covid-19 pandemic struck which stalled the film's shooting. He shares: “I have worked with great directors before, for example Antoine Fuqua and David O. Russell, who has just under 35 Oscar nominations. And then comes Blessy, who is above all someone with a lot of soul and a great vision. He does everything to get what he wants and he does it with great love and perseverance. Even when things are extremely difficult, he still believes it is possible. If he hadn't had the conviction, if he hadn't had the hope, we would never have been able to finish this film. We had so many problems along the way that we needed a good captain. He was the best captain to take everyone with him and say: this is where we are going and we will get there.

Jimmy is a model turned actor and has starred in several Haitian and Hollywood films. He says: Where I come from, acting is so far away. Growing up, I didn't even know what it was like to be on television because I was in Haiti. It was when I moved to Paris that I discovered the arts. But in reality, it went to the clubs where I regularly saw George Michael, Madonna, Prince. I saw all these people and wanted to be like them one day. This is how the idea of ​​becoming an artist was born: I enrolled in a theater school in Paris, then I did musical theater in Spain and I was a model in Italy. It was a long process with a lot of ups, but also a lot of downs. In Paris, I was even homeless at one point.

Jimmy calls Adujeevitham his “entry point” into the Indian film industry. When asked if he aspires to do Bollywood films, he declares his love for Khans. “I always wanted to be a part of the Bollywood industry because it is the biggest in the world. I haven't watched many films but I know a few names, all the Khans – Salman Khan and some other actors are also popular in America. A lot of Bollywood films are shown on the big screen in America, so yes, I was always attracted to India and Indian films, but I didn't know how to get into it. So, I hope this can be an entry point and I will be able to do more, I would love to do more, walk alongside the kings of Bollywood,” concludes Jimmy.




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