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Pompeii: superb frescoes of mythological characters discovered on an archaeological site

Pompeii: superb frescoes of mythological characters discovered on an archaeological site



Ancient Romans enjoyed more than just food at their feasts, a new discovery at the archaeological site of Pompeii has shown.

Archaeologists working at this world-famous site discovered a banquet hall with walls painted black and covered in frescoes depicting mythological figures associated with the Trojan War.

The ornate room provides an elegant setting for entertaining or chatting at banquets, said the Pompeii Archaeological Park, which oversees the site.

The elaborate dining room provided an elegant setting for entertaining, according to the Pompeii Archaeological Park.

The walls were painted black to prevent smoke from oil lamps from being visible on the walls, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the archaeological park, said in a press release on Thursday.

People gathered for dinner after sunset; the flickering light of the lamps had the effect of giving the impression that the images were moving, especially after a few glasses of good Campanian wine, he continues.

One of the frescoes represents a meeting between Helen and Paris, son of the Trojan king Priam, identified by a Greek inscription of his other name, Alexandros. In Greek mythology, Paris's kidnapping of Helen by her Greek husband, Menelaus, led to the Trojan War.

This fresco represents Helen of Troy with Paris.  In Greek mythology, Paris's kidnapping of Helen sparked the Trojan War.

Another shows Cassandra, daughter of Priam, dejected, with the god Apollo.

According to legend, Apollo promised Cassandra the gift of prophecy but, when she did not give in to his desires, he punished her by also ordering that her prophecies should never be believed. His warning about the fall of Troy, for example, went unheeded.

The newly revealed dining room is approximately 15 meters long (49 feet) and six meters wide (20 feet) and opens onto a courtyard with a long staircase leading to the second floor, according to the release.

On the fresh plaster of the staircase arches, someone had drawn in charcoal two pairs of gladiators and what appears to be an enormous stylized phallus.

Under the arches, a large pile of building materials was discovered.

The ancient Greco-Roman city of Pompeii was buried under ash and volcanic glass during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE and since the 1700s, archaeologists have been unearthing the city frozen in time.

The site contains 1,070 dwellings with more than 13,000 rooms, as well as public and sacred spaces, according to the archaeological park. This latest discovery was made during an extensive ongoing excavation.

Other finds revealed so far in the excavation area include two connected houses, a bakery, a laundry room and a beautifully frescoed living room.




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