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Kathy Hilton Is Friends With Lisa Rinna 1 Year After Calling Her 'Hollywood's Biggest Bully' on 'RHOBH'

Kathy Hilton Is Friends With Lisa Rinna 1 Year After Calling Her 'Hollywood's Biggest Bully' on 'RHOBH'



Kathy Hilton and Lisa Rinna's feud may be over as they were spotted swooning together at the Womens Cancer Research Fund's flagship fundraising event – the 'An Evening to Remember' Gala – in Beverly Hill, Calif., Wednesday.

The “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” alums turned heads as they posed for photos while looking glamorous in their evening wear.

The rivals were seen getting closer and touching heads.

The “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” alums were photographed sitting together at the gala. Getty Images for Women's Cancer Research Fund
They were all smiling as they approached each other. WireImage

Hilton, 65, stunned in a semi-sheer blue dress with lace embroidery while Rinna, 60, wore a long-sleeved black velvet dress.

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It's unclear whether the duo's photoshoot was just a show or a real step forward in repairing their tattered friendship.

Their feud played out during Season 12 of “RHOBH,” as Hilton called his longtime friend “the biggest bully in Hollywood.”

Hilton wore a semi-sheer blue dress for the event. Getty Images for Women's Cancer Research Fund
It's unclear whether she and the soap alum were sitting together the entire time. Getty Images for Women's Cancer Research Fund

“You are the biggest bully in Hollywood and everyone knows it,” the socialite said during the Season 12 reunion in October 2022.

Hilton's attack on Rinna came after the “Days of Our Lives” actress claimed in a previous episode that the hotel heiress had a “psychotic break” during the cast's trip to Aspen, Colorado.

At the time, the “Melrose Place” star called Hilton “the devil,” alleging she made derogatory comments toward her sister and castmate Kyle Richards, 55.

However, their decision to take a photo together came as a shock following their fallout on Season 12 of “RHOBH.” Lisa O'Connor/ / MEGA
During the season's reunion, the socialite called Rinna “the biggest bully in Hollywood.” AFF-USA/Shutterstock

Recalling Hilton's alleged meltdown, the former soap actress said: “She takes her glasses off, she throws them on the floor, she jumps up and down, breaking her glasses.” She hits the walls and she screams [that] she did Kyle.

“And she said: I will destroy Kyle and his family if it's the last thing I do,” Harry Hamlin's wife continued.

At the end of the infamous episode, the fashion designer emotionally apologized to Rinna for her angry behavior, explaining that she lashed out because one of her close friends had terminal cancer .

“You are the biggest bully in Hollywood and everyone knows it,” she said in October 2022. Getty Images
Hilton's comments toward Rinna stemmed from the actress claiming her friend collapsed during their trip to Aspen. Getty Images

“It’s very upsetting to me,” Hilton said. “So, I'm sorry. And I don't behave that way. And for people who have known me for 30 years, I don't have problems with people.

However, Rinna remained unfazed by her bandmate's heartfelt apology, claiming Hilton was gaslighting and manipulating her.

After season 12 ended, the hotel heiress admitted that she should never have apologized to Rinna.

During season 12, Rinna recalled the hotel heiress' alleged furious behavior, claiming she broke her glasses and was jumping up and down. Well done
“She said, I'll destroy Kyle and his family if it's the last thing I do,” the “Days of Our Lives” star explained. Well done

“I should never have apologized,” she said during an interview with Extra in October 2022.

Hilton also doubled down on her claims that Rinna was a “bully,” saying, “She bullied everyone, and I think that's just the worst.”

Both Hilton and Rinna left “RHOBH” after season 12. Hilton, however, made a brief return during the season 13 reunion.




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