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Cole Brings Plenty's death has 'no indication of foul play'

Cole Brings Plenty's death has 'no indication of foul play'


No foul play is suspected in the recent death of 1923 actor Cole Brings Plenty, authorities said.

The Yellowstone actor's 27-year-old nephew, Mo Brings Plenty, was reported missing by his family on March 31 after an alleged domestic violence incident. Nearly a week later, officers found her body near an unoccupied vehicle in a wooded area outside Kansas City.

Detectives, crime scene investigators and the medical examiner's office worked diligently with the Lawrence Police Department and the Brings Plenty family. There is no indication of foul play in the death of Cole Brings Plenty, said a statement released Wednesday by Johnson County Sheriff Calvin Hayden.

No cause of death has been identified.

Meanwhile, local police in Lawrence, Kansas, are facing criticism for allegedly treating Brings Plenty primarily as a criminal fugitive rather than a person in crisis or a potential victim, an accusation addressed Wednesday by the police chief. font Rich Lockhart.

This is a tragic case for everyone involved. Your police department worked very hard to investigate the incidents and worked very hard to find Cole. None of us could have imagined this result, Lockhart wrote on Facebook.

“I have learned through this series of events that our police department must work harder to increase trust with members of our Native American community,” Lockhart continued. As I meet with members of the Coles family and members of our Native American community, I see clearly that we are not where we need to be in partnership with a community that is very important to Lawrence's history and to its current culture.

Last week, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, including Brings Plenty, was a citizen. called for a full and thorough investigation into Coles' disappearance and subsequent death and said his attorney general would contact Kansas officials to ensure that is accomplished.

Before disappearing, Brings Plenty attended a concert at the Replay Lounge in Lawrence on March 30. That night, according to witnesses, his braids became tangled in a microphone cable and a customer who tried to free him cut his hair without his permission. the daily beast reported.

As an Indigenous person, this is a serious violation, the band Beneather, who were performing that evening, wrote in a since-deleted post.

After leaving the bar around 1 a.m. on March 31, Brings Plenty allegedly went to a nearby apartment, according to the Lawrence Times. reported.

There, officers then responded to reports of a woman screaming for help, Lawrence police said in an April 2 news release. Facebook job.

Lawrence police submitted an affidavit to the district attorney for the arrest of Cole Brings Plenty after an incident Sunday morning at a Lawrence apartment. We have identified him as a suspect, have probable cause for his arrest and have issued an alert to local agencies, the department said, adding: “The suspect fled before officers arrived.

Police also said traffic cameras showed Brings Plenty leaving town immediately after the incident. They have not released the identity of the woman involved.

After Brings Plenty's body was discovered, his father, Joe Brings Plenty Sr., released a statement shared by the young actor's uncle on Instagram.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone for the prayers and positive thoughts you have sent for Cole, he said. We also want to thank everyone who came walking alongside us as we searched for my son and provided us with the resources we needed to expand our search areas.

He added: During this incredibly difficult time, we ask for privacy as we process our grief and consider how we move forward.

On Saturday, grassroots Indigenous-led group Rising Hearts launched the #BraidsForCole campaign in honor of the late actor Mnicoujou Lakota.

Cole Brings Plenty, an Indigenous parent taken too soon, wrote Rising Hearts on Instagram. We honor your life by braiding our hair in your memory, for your family, for all the sacred hair and braids in our communities.




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