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How do regional films compete with Bollywood films?

How do regional films compete with Bollywood films?


By Sanjay Chhabria

Regional films, especially South Indian films, have been growing rapidly for a long time. The foundation stone was laid by major cinema chains of broadcasters such as Star Gold, Sony Max and Colors, who started showing Hindi dubs of South films on their channels.

For some time, Hindi films have been catering to a discerning audience in India's top 8-10 Tier 1 cities, leaving behind a big gap to fill in Tier 2 and 3 cities. Regional cinema which talks more about levels 2 and 3 has filled this gap and more after the pandemic.

Regional cinema has undergone a profound evolution, moving away from conventional narratives to embrace bold and progressive storytelling.

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The pandemic saw a boom in OTT viewership thanks to the closure of all other entertainment avenues. As a result, the audience became language independent. Films viewed occasionally on pay television channels were available to viewers on streaming platforms and became a staple of the diet.

Between the four southern languages, there are around six to eight releases per week and audiences can see the Hindi dubbed versions (mainly Biggies) first in cinemas and later within four to five weeks of release in theaters on the main streaming platforms (Amazon). Prime, Netflix and Hotstar).

Telugu and Tamil box office figures have increased exponentially since 2022. Telugu box office increased from Rs 1404 crore in 2019 to Rs 2145 crore in 2022, while Tamil Box Office increased from Rs 1460 crore in 2019 to Rs 1724 crore in 2022. Thereafter, 2023 also. saw Telugu and Tamil box office figures increase.

Post-pandemic, the majority of moviegoing audiences attend cinemas only for special films, event films and great experiences that cannot be replicated at home. Low-budget and low-budget films can be consumed OTT in a matter of weeks! This is the current state of mind.

Bollywood realized this and 2023 was a comeback year for Bollywood with box office collections of Rs 5,380 crore backed by mass entertainers like Pathan, Gaddar 2, Jawan and Animal. For a long time, Hindi filmmakers failed to produce the quintessential masala films that appealed to audiences outside the metros. The South filled this gap with Bahubali 1 and 2, KGF 1 and 2, Pushpa, Jailer and more recently Salaar.

In future, be it Bollywood, Tollywood or Kollywood, whoever produces more massive actors will rule the box office!

The author is the founder and CEO of Everest Entertainment

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