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Olivier Awards 2024: Nicole Scherzinger and Dame Arlene Phillips among this year's award winners

Olivier Awards 2024: Nicole Scherzinger and Dame Arlene Phillips among this year's award winners


There have been victories for the former Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger and Sarah Snook at this year's Olivier Awards.

The awards ceremony took place at the Royal Albert Hall with a highlights program followed on ITV1.

Accepting her award for “Best Actress in a Musical,” Scherzinger joked that she first wanted to “thank God” for stopping her from tripping before accepting the gong.

The American actress and singer also said she would come for blood on Broadway before taking Sunset Boulevard to New York.

Scherzinger said thank you to God for saving me from that trip there, before adding that she was nothing without Him.

The Pussycat Dolls singer also said that having very humble beginnings, I always wanted to be a singer and do musicals.

The 2024 Olivier Awards welcomed Hollywood stars and TV actors, with this year's nominees walking the competition's 'green carpet'.

Other winners included Sarah Snook, who won the Olivier Award for Best Actress for her performance in the one-woman show The Picture Of Dorian Gray.

Dame Arlene Phillips received a standing ovation after winning her first Olivier competition for her choreography to the musical Guys & Dolls.

Arlene Phillips and James Cousins ​​after receiving the Best Theater Choreographer award from Michael Ball (center) Credit: Pennsylvania

I'm totally overwhelmed, she said after winning the gong for best theater choreographer.

Dame Arlene, 80, also thanked fellow choreographer James Cousins ​​for helping her by crawling on the floor to demonstrate the moves when she was having knee problems.

Ted Lasso star Hannah Waddingham returned to host the event, which saw performances from best new music nominees including The Little Big Things, Next To Normal, Operation Mincemeat and A Strange Loop, alongside top nominees for the musical revival Guys & Dolls and Hadestown.

Waddingham opened the event with singer and pianist Joe Stilgoe, and the finale of the ceremony marked the 60th anniversary of the National Theatres.

Presenters at the ceremony included The Morning Show's Billy Crudup, Carnival Row actress Cara Delevingne, former British Vogue editor Edward Enninful and Gavin & Stacey actress Ruth Jones.

Goodness Gracious Me star Meera Syal performed the ceremony's voiceover.

The flagship Olivier Awards program is available on ITVX.

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