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Is Muhammad Ali's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on a wall so people can't step on his name?

Is Muhammad Ali's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on a wall so people can't step on his name?



Muhammad Ali's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is on a wall so people can't step on the name “Muhammad.”



In April 2024, a claim was shared on Reddit that Muhammad Ali's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is located on a wall to prevent people from stepping on his name. The post, which received 33,000 upvotes, likely gained traction because of the star's unique status as the only one on the Walk of Fame that people can't physically walk on.

This claim has been circulating widely on social media platforms for years, including X (formerly Twitter) as well asRedditOnline accounts shared images of the Ali star alongside captions highlighting its distinctive location and attributing it to a gesture of respect for the late boxer's Muslim faith.Users on expressed their admiration for this tribute.


It's true that Ali's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is positioned differently from every other star on the sidewalk, with the world heavyweight boxing champion's star hanging on one wall..The placement of his star is not only unique but also symbolic, reflecting the boxer's dedication to his Muslim faith.

Snopes contacted Ana Martinez, who works at the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as vice president of media and talent relations and producer of the Walk of Fame ceremony.

“Mr. Ali did not want the name of the Prophet Muhammad to be stepped on and he made a special request for it to be placed on a wall,” Martinez said. “This was granted by Walk of Fame Selection Chairman Johnny Grant.”

The official website of Hollywood Walk of Famenoted that Ali's star is located at 6801 Hollywood Blvd., affixed to a wall that is part of the Dolby Theater entertainment complex. The star was unveiled on January 11, 2002 to honor Ali's contributions to the world of sports and entertainment.

Martinez said USA today it was in 2016 that the sports icon received the honor usually reserved for artists because“He was a showman. He had two Grammy-nominated spoken word albums. He was also an entertainer.”

According to IndependentAli's star was placed on a wall rather than on the sidewalk because he did not want his name to be trampled upon by “people who have no respect for me”, with the pugilist saying at the time from the 2002 ceremony: “I am named after our beloved Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), and there is no way I should allow people to trample on his name.

In 1964, at the age of 22, Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali, shortly after his conversion to Islam and four years after winning thegold medal in light heavyweight boxing at the 1960 Summer Olympics.

After the name change, at the request of a television journalist why he insisted on being called by this new name, Ali explained, “Because that's the name given to me by my main teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. That's my original name, it's the name of a black man. Cassius Clay was my slave name, I am no longer a slave.” (Elie Mahomet was the leader of the Nation of Islam at the time.)

When asked what the meaning of his new name was and if he intended to continue his boxing career using it, Ali replied: “Muhammad means 'worthy of all praise' and Ali means 'the highest'. I want to be called by that name. I write autographs under that name. I want to be known all over the world by that name, especially in Asia and Africa, because that's the name. of our people at home.

Snopes previously reported on Ali, who died in 2016 from septic shockafter a years-long battle withParkinson's disease including the assertion that itonce spoke to a suicidal man from the ledge of a building and claimed that Donald Trump had once fought with him.


The Spirituality of Ali – Muhammad Ali Center. August 26, 2023,

Bulman, May. “Muhammad Ali Dead: Why the iconic boxer's Hollywood star isn't on the Walk of Fame | The Independent.” The independentJune 3, 2017.

Elie Mahomet | Nation of Islam, black nationalism, civil rights activist | British. March 28, 2024,

“https://Twitter.Com/TundeSmilez/Status/1668955999129030659.” X (formerly Twitter), Accessed April 15, 2024.

Mallenbaum, Carly. “Why Ali's Hollywood star is on a wall (not the floor).” USA TODAY, Accessed April 15, 2024.

Mohammed Ali | Cassius Clay changes his name to Muhammad Ali | Episode 2 | PBS., Accessed April 15, 2024.

service Corina Knoll Corina Knoll is a former reporter for the Metro section of the Los Angeles Times. She was part of the team that investigated corruption at Bell, leading to the paper's 2011 Pulitzer Prize, et al. “Los Angeles mourns Muhammad Ali, the activist, artist and icon.” Los Angeles TimesJune 4, 2016,

Walk of Fame | Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Accessed April 15, 2024.




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