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Sophie Kinsella: Shopaholic author reveals brain cancer diagnosis

Sophie Kinsella: Shopaholic author reveals brain cancer diagnosis



Sophie Kinsella, the bestselling author of the Shopaholic book series, has revealed she is undergoing treatment for brain cancer.

I have wanted to share an update on my health with you for a long time and have been waiting for the strength to do so, she wrote in a statement. Instagram post Wednesday.

In late 2022, I was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a form of aggressive brain cancer. I haven't shared this before because I wanted to make sure my children could hear and process the news in privacy and adjust to our new normal, she continued.

Glioblastomas are a fast-growing type of brain tumor and the most common type of cancerous (malignant) brain tumor in adults, according to a charity. Cancer research in the UK.

Kinsella, who lives in the UK with her husband and children, said she was under the care of an excellent team at a London hospital and had undergone successful surgery, then radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which are still ongoing.

At the moment everything is stable and I generally feel very good, although I am very tired and my memory is even worse than before, she added.

The author, also known as Madeleine Wickham, has sold more than 45 million copies of her books, translated into more than 40 languages, in more than 60 countries, she says. website.

Its Shopaholic protagonist, Becky Bloomwood, a financial journalist with a passion for shopping and desperation with money, appeared on the big screen in a 2009 film adaptation Confessions of a Shopaholic. She was played by Australian actress Isla Fisher.

Sending you so much love and healing energy, Fisher commented under Kinsella's Instagram post.

I am so grateful to my family and close friends who have given me incredible support, and to the wonderful doctors and nurses who cared for me, Kinsella added in her message.

I am also very grateful to my readers for your continued support. The wonderful response to The Burnout really lifted my spirits during a difficult time, she continued.

Kinsella's latest book, the romantic comedy The Burnout, was released in October.




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