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Arrowverse Actor Reportedly Joining Star Wars Phantom Menace Prequel

Arrowverse Actor Reportedly Joining Star Wars Phantom Menace Prequel


A new report claims that a classic Arrowverse actor will join the cast of The Acolyte, the new live-action Star Wars series on Disney+.


  • Actor David Harewood has reportedly joined Star Wars prequel series The Acolyte in a smaller role.
  • Harewood, known for his role in the CW's Arrowverse as Martian Manhunter, adds more star power to the prequel trilogy's prequel series.
  • Harewood's role in the upcoming Star Wars series remains confidential, adding anticipation for the actor's fans.

A new report claims that an actor from the CW's Arrowverse series had a role in Star Wars' upcoming prequel series The Acolyte. The broadcast should begin in June, The Acolyte will feature several different Jedi Knights who lived 100 years before the events of THEphantom menace as they investigate a dark new threat. As such, it appears that the series will feature another popular actor in the prequel series to the prequel trilogy.

On The hot mic podcast, insider Jeff Sneider revealed that the actor David Harewood would have a lesser role in the next Acolyte series. Harewood is best known for his role in DC Comics' live-action “Arrowverse” shows on the CW, where he played the Martian Manhunter, having a prominent recurring role in Supergirl specifically.

David Harewood as Martian Manhunter in The CW's Arrowverse

While Harewood's announced casting is exciting, it's not yet clear who he might play in the galaxy far, far away at the start of the High Republic era.


Star Wars: The Sidekick – Cast, Story Details and Everything We Know

The next Star Wars show, The Acolyte, will take the franchise into the era of the Great High Republic, but what mysteries await in the Golden Age of the Jedi?

David Harewood's sidekick role is unknown

Will he play a Jedi? Or someone darker?

Having a supposedly smaller role, it's hard to say who Harwood might star in The Acolyte. After all, the new Star Wars The show explores an era largely unexplored in the canon, even by the standards of the High Republic, which itself was not presented as an early period of peace and prosperity until 2021. Set 100 years before The Phantom Menace, The Acolyte is much more advanced in the Star Wars chronological than what we see in Lucasfilm's High Republic novels and comics.

Regardless, David Harewood is a pretty imposing actor who can play a hero (like DC's Martian Manhunter) as well as a villain. IIt's not hard to imagine Harewood playing a leader of the High Republic's Jedi Council.. Likewise, he could even be part of the group of Force users seen in The Acolyte first trailer. He could even play the role of Darth Plagueis, Palpatine's long-rumored master. However, this assumes that Lucasfilm would ignore non-canonical legends in which Plagueis was identified as a Muun alien. Regardless, the addition of David Harewood to The Acolyte the casting is very exciting.

Source: The hot mic/Jeff Sneider

Star Wars The Acolyte poster showing a Sith standing on top of a cliff watching the sunrise

The Acolyte

The Acolyte is a television series set in the Star Wars universe at the end of the High Republic era, where the Jedi and the Galactic Empire were at the height of their influence. This sci-fi thriller sees a former Padawan reunited with her former Jedi master as they investigate several crimes – all leading to darkness rising from beneath the surface and preparing to bring about the end of the High Republic.

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