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Domhnall Gleeson and Sabrina Impacciatore ready for new show

Domhnall Gleeson and Sabrina Impacciatore ready for new show


The next iteration of Office gathers.

Sources say The Hollywood Reporter that the new version of the beloved NBC comedy Steve Carell has cast the first two members of what will be the ensemble comedy starring Sabrina Impacciatore (The White Lotus) and Domhnall Gleeson (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker) thus becoming the first two to join the cast of the potential series.

Representatives of Universal Television, which is producing the updated version from creators Greg Daniels and Michael Koman (Nathan for you), declined to comment as details surrounding the project remain closely guarded. A platform for the project has yet to be determined as sources say Daniels and the studio want to make sure the take is correct before putting it on a network/streamer. Peacock remains the exclusive streaming home for Daniels Office after paying millions to get the rights back from Netflix, where the series reached millions of new fans.

Details on the roles played by Impacciatore and Gleeson are being kept under wraps given the enormous expectations that accompany anything related to this new incarnation of Office, although sources say Daniels and Koman cast a wide net to find available talent for the second half of this year.

As THR Previously reported, Office creator Greg Daniels opened a development room in early January to explore a new series that will be set in the same universe as the former NBC hit (itself a version of Ricky Gervais' British comedy). Daniels recently tapped Koman to co-create the project, which the prolific writer-producer doesn't see as a reboot of his 2005 mockumentary.

Impacciatore earned an Emmy nomination for Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for her role in HBO's second season. The White Lotus like Valentina, the manager of the Sicily hotel. His credits include Call my agent and she then plays in Julian Schnabel's feature film In Dante's hand, opposite Oscar Isaac and Gal Gadot. She is replaced by Gersh, MGMT and Gianni Chiffi.

Gleeson, meanwhile, recently finished filming the FX limited series. The patient, opposite Office star Carell. It can currently be seen in PBS' Alice and Jack opposite Andrea Riseborough. His credits include David Mandel's HBO limited series The White House plumbers, HBO Run as well as Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, The Last Jedi And The force awakens. Then it has Apple functionality Echo Valley, facing Julianne Moore and Sydney Sweeney, and the streamer Fountain of Youth, in front of another elder Desk star, John Krasinski and Natalie Portman. He is repped by Paradigm, The Agency and Goodman Genow.

The new version Office comes at a busy time for Daniels, who recently renewed the final season of his comedy on Amazon Download. The prolific creator and producer also reunites with Mike Judge for a new season of his beloved animated comedy. king of the hill for Hulu. Together, the duo also owns a hugely successful animation company with multiple series on a multitude of streamers.

Borys Kit contributed reporting.




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