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A Local's Guide to Passover Celebrations in Bellingham

A Local's Guide to Passover Celebrations in Bellingham


Monday, April 22, at sunset, marks the start of the week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, or Pesach. Here is a resource guide for those who want to learn more about traditions and symbolism, as well as information about local services and Seders.

Bellingham Seders and services

Passover, an important event in the Jewish calendar, is celebrated by Jews around the world. It commemorates the biblical story of the escape of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt in the 13th century BCE. This story of collective liberation, renewal and hope is particularly poignant during this time of profound tragedy and conflict.

In some contexts, Passover is celebrated through communal meals called Seder, avoiding bread and leavened products, attending services, and resting or refraining from work. The Passover Seder (feast) is a ritualized ceremony consisting of many elements, including a Seder plate (a ceremonial platter filled with symbolic food) and four glasses of wine. Before, during and after the meal, a Haggadah (Passover booklet) is read for prayers, questions and the story of the Jewish people fleeing slavery in Egypt.

Passover is really about remembering and teaching our story to younger generations; it’s our story of how we became a people,” said Rabbi Joshua Samuels of Congregation Beth Israel in Bellingham. The story of Passover requires us to think beyond our own stories and those of others.

For those who wish to celebrate Passover, Congregation Beth Israel hosts an annual kosher Passover Seder, hosted this year by Taste of Elegance. Although registration is now closed for this Seder, the community is warmly invited to attend the Passover service on Friday, April 19 at 6:15 p.m. and its Tot Shabbat or Friday for Toddlers event on April 20.

THE Rohr Center for Jewish Life, Chabad of Bellingham and Western Washington University will hold their Seder on April 22. All are welcome, and they describe their Seder as “friendly” and not prayer-intensive, so everyone can feel welcome.

Congregation Beth Israel held a vigil for local members of the Jewish community on Wednesday.
Congregation Beth Israel hosts an annual kosher Passover Seder, hosted this year by Taste of Elegance. (Hailey Hoffman/Cascadia Daily News)

Sourcing Ingredients for Seder Plates

One of the most fascinating aspects of Passover is its diversity. No two families celebrate it in the same way: some communities celebrate it every evening, while others only have a Seder on the first and last evening. There are thousands of Haggadah choices, each offering a unique perspective. Some people prefer to go through the ritual parts as quickly as possible, while others like to linger over the liturgy.

Not all Passover Seder plates are the same either; for example, lamb shank can be replaced with a vegetarian option, such as a beet or yam. In contemporary times, adding orange to represent the voices of women and LGBTQ+ people who are often marginalized or silenced in the preservation of history has become commonplace. Garlic has also become popular as a reminder that liberation is the liberation of all people and that community care must be centered.

The Downtown Bellingham Community Food Co-op offers a Passover display filled with essentials, such as matzah (unleavened bread). The Matza, consumed throughout the Seder, represents the bread that the Jewish people prepared before fleeing and which did not have time to rise.

For eggs, a symbol of mourning, the Cooperative offers boxes from local farms such as Spring Creek Heritage Farms in Bellingham and Misty Meadows Farm in Everson. The cooperative also sells non-kosher lamb shank, which represents the blood painted on Jewish doors so that the Angel of Death would pass over their homes. Meanwhile, Trader Joe's sells kosher meat, including brisket, a common Passover meal.

Karpas (fresh greens), maror (bitter herbs), and all the ingredients for charoset (an apple paste) can all be found at the Bellingham Farmers Market. Fresh greens, a symbol of hope, can be anything from parsley to green onions, so why not have something in season?

Mike Finger of Cedarville Farm has more leaf lettuce at his stand at the Bellingham Farmers Market on July 30.
Mike Finger of Cedarville Farm stocks leaf lettuce at his stand at the Bellingham Farmers Market on July 30, 2022. Fresh greens are a traditional part of the seder plate at Passover and can be sourced from the farmers market on of the season. (Andy Bronson/Cascadia Daily News)

Bitter herbs represent the bitterness of slavery. The traditional choice for bitter herbs is horseradish, but you can also take ginger or go for dandelion greens. When harvesting dandelion leaves, avoid sprayed areas and pick leaves that have not yet flowered.

Apple dough symbolizes the bricks that Jewish slaves used to create structures such as the pyramids of Egypt. You can find fresh apples at the co-op or farmer's market, or go to Bellewood Farms to Lyden to visit their bakery and orchards.

Finally, to learn more about Passover, Village books currently exhibits children's and middle grade books. In its Jewish section, it features a contemporary Haggadah by Alana Newhouse, created alongside Tablet Magazine, a Jewish magazine.




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