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Virginia International Tattoo Celebrates 80 Years of Freedom

Virginia International Tattoo Celebrates 80 Years of Freedom


NORFOLK The Virginia International Tattoo returns this weekend for its 27th year at Scope Arena, with music, dance, drill teams and bands from around the world uniting for a peaceful celebration.

The show is a ceremonial performance of military music by different mass orchestras. Each tattoo is influenced by the culture of the country it represents. There are nods to Hollywood films, TV shows and patriotic classics.

The celebration, held annually in Virginia, is one of many held around the world. Other world-famous tattoos include the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Scotland, the Basel Tattoo in Switzerland, and the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo in Canada. The Virginia International Tattoo is the largest in the United States.

Each year, the Virginia International Tattoo selects a theme and for 2024, “Celebration of Freedom” will mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO.

Festival performers include bands and drill teams from the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Marine Corps. Also in attendance will be the Top Secret Drum Corps from Switzerland, the Royal Marine Band from the Netherlands, the Virginia Military Tattoo Highland Dance Company and the Massed Pipes and Drums from four countries.

Massed Bands senior drum major Stacie Crowther performs in her fourth tattoo. She explains tattooing for beginners.

“If you could take a whole bunch of music, dance, fabulous organizing and put them together into one show, that would be it. It’s truly music and power. It's truly international because all the countries that come from everywhere and the experiences we have here are not just about playing with other countries, but it's also the lasting friendships we make when we spend time together,” Crowther explained.

Crowther joined the United States Marine Corps at the age of 17 as an enlisted flutist. She served in Iraq as a machine gun turret operator for two tours. In 2017, she was selected as the first female deputy drum major of the President's Own Marine Band, where she led the band on the world stage at the White House.

Crowther is the first and only woman to serve as a senior drum major in any tattoo in the world.

“Even though it's very special to be the first female, I love that young girls can look to me in a leadership position and I think that's fantastic, but I just want to be as good or better “It's an honor, but I always try to do the best job I can, regardless of gender,” Crowther said.

Local performers include the Granby High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC), the Hampton Roads Police Color Guards, the Norfolk Fire-Rescue Honor Guard, the Old Dominion University Concert Choir, Tidewater Pipes and Drums, the Virginia Children's Chorus and the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. Chorus.

“This tattoo will remind us that as Americans, we helped write some of the greatest chapters in the history of human freedom. With moving music, historic photos and videos, tributes from U.S. military bands, and special guest appearances, we will remember and celebrate the men and women who safeguarded freedom not only for the United States, but for the world,” a press release states. .

The 120-minute show brings military bands from around the world to Norfolk.

Military Tattoo performances continue on April 20 at 7:30 p.m. and April 21 at 2:30 p.m.

For more information and to purchase tickets to the show, visit




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