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Katrina Kaif lists the films that changed the trajectory of her career: Welcome, Namastey London, Singh Is King and others | Bollywood News

Katrina Kaif lists the films that changed the trajectory of her career: Welcome, Namastey London, Singh Is King and others |  Bollywood News


Even though it's been over 21 years since she made her debut, the Bollywood star Katrina Kaif she still believes she has a long way to go and still a long way to go. Currently, she is busy scouting out her favorite directors to work with her and recently crossed Sriram Raghavan off her list after their first venture together, film noir. Merry Christmashit screens earlier this year.

Also starring Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathy, the film was based on Frdric Dard's French novel Le Monte-charge (Bird in a Cage). I was in love with the book. It was everything you wanted in this space. It was tender, poetic, there was this very mysterious Hitchcockian side. It had drama, mystery, murder, all in the most unique and new way,” Kaif said. Variety during a recent conversation.

Praising Raghavan, she said, “There is a certain rawness and realism to the characters in his films when you watch them on screen. They are very imperfect, very imperfect, but there is a tangible, human quality to them. They seem very real, like I've seen this person or know this person. He has a certain grip on having something relatable to what he's portraying on screen, even though sometimes the situations are so bizarre, but yet the characters are bizarre in such a way that you can feel that you can understand what they are going through and identify with their emotions.

Nevertheless, Merry Christmas isn't the only film she's proud of, and Katrina Kaif went on to list a few titles that changed the trajectory of her career. The list included Namastey London (2007), Welcome (2007), Singh Is King (2008), New York (2009), Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani (2009), Rajneeti (2010) and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (2011).

Watch the Merry Christmas trailer here:

“I wouldn’t call them movies, I would call them moments in my life. They were surrounded by a whole emotion, a whole feeling. It wasn't just about playing a character and going home, it seeped into my life at that time, the film was going to become my whole life. This film, this team, this moment, this environment would become my whole life. I would be consumed, and then the movie would come out and there would be a moment of emptiness and loss. And then you would move on to the next one. These are all amazing moments for me as an actor and performer, Katrina added.

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She further recalls undergoing intense training under the late guru Veeru Krishnan, who was an exponent of the Kathak dance form, at the suggestion of filmmaker Dharmesh Darshan.

Dance is one thing, but I feel like Kathak is about expression. It's a feeling, a way of expressing yourself through music. And that was my foundation for cinema for me, she said. It was about understanding the emotion and language of cinema. I was almost silent, a little shy, very naive, I wasn't sure of my identity in terms of my voice, my expression as a girl, as a woman. I was very young. So, I think that really helped me find my voice.

I have always put the public first and have tried to do so in my choices throughout my career. And now I think it's about finding a balance. What story do I think will resonate with the public? And what am I connecting to personally and as an actor right now? What will make me grow? What will give me satisfaction? This is exactly what I want to do right now, Tiger 3 » added the actor.

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