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SNL targets pro-Palestinian campus protesters in cold open

SNL targets pro-Palestinian campus protesters in cold open


It wasn't completely unexpected when Saturday Night Live He focused his coolly open stance on the massive wave of student protests sweeping across America, but the exact direction he chose came as a surprise. Rather than a report or a sketch featuring the characters of the demonstrators themselves, SNL chose to open with a fake talk show.

Titled Community Affairs, the talk show focused on a concerned host played by Michael Longfellow and two well-off white parents played by Heidi Gardner and Mikey Day. At first, the conversation focused on parents trying to support their children, even as the protests became increasingly dangerous and volatile.

I'm all for free speech, but I don't understand what they think they're accomplishing, and it's really straining my relationship with my daughter, Gardner's character says. Days' character adds: Yes, I want to let my son make his own choices, but to be honest, it's a little scary.

Following the rule of three comes Kenan Thompson's father character, who insists he's only OK with protests as long as it's other parents' kids doing it. No, no, no, he replies, when others wrongly mistake his daughters for a protester. Alexis Vanessa Roberts better get her ass in class. Let me find out if she's in one of those damn tents instead of the dorm I'm paying for!

This is a dynamic that we have seen on SNL has played out many times before, with concerned but out-of-touch white liberals being repeatedly humiliated by a more down-to-earth working-class character, but we've rarely seen it based on such a heated and fraught situation. emotion than this. A.

Viewers hope SNL He could have used his cold open to shed light on the protesters' message or the controversial police response at universities like Columbia, could have been disappointed. The closest thing to the main point is that only a rich, privileged child would risk his education for a pro-Palestinian cause, and only white, well-off parents would agree to him doing so.

My company is Alexis Vanessa Roberts, okay? Thompson's character continued, to laughter from the audience. She doesn't talk about free this, free that. Because I'm telling you what's not free: Columbia. Did you all know they had the nerve to want $68,000 a year?

The sketch ends with Thompson's character facing the possibility that her daughter's graduation ceremony will be canceled. From there, the sketch moves away from anything Palestine-related, instead turning to familiar jokes about black families being too loud at graduation ceremonies.

You better believe I'm here booing and yelling after they explicitly told us to wait until the end. Man, if she doesn't work, Columbia will be on the news for something else. That's all I know!




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