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Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Dia Mirza, Parineeti Chopra and more: Bollywood brides who made unconventional choices for their wedding | Hindi Cinema News

Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Dia Mirza, Parineeti Chopra and more: Bollywood brides who made unconventional choices for their wedding |  Hindi Cinema News


As they say: “Every bride is a princess on her wedding day.” She is the center of attention and everyone is there to celebrate her love story. While brides steal the show on their wedding day, every detail of what they do and how they choose to do it is noticed. This is more the case when it comes to celebrities because they also set inspiration and major goals that many others can follow. Most of the time, these choices are also part of popular culture. So let's take a look at some of these B-town beauties who made unconventional choices for their wedding – be it their outfit, venue or rituals, they went a little unique and that's what who made them beautiful!
Become eco-responsible!
There are celebrities like Dia Mirza and recently Rakul Preet Singh, who opted for an eco-responsible wedding. Dia Mirza had said in an interview that all the decoration items for her wedding were natural and locally available. Many of them were recyclable. Along with their wedding invitation, they sent hand-woven baskets made by artisans from Meghalaya and sent a plant to everyone. Recently, Rakul got married to Jackky Bhagnani and they planted a sapling for each guest to reduce the carbon footprint.

She is Rakul

Be comfortable rather than glamorous!
Parineeti Chopra's wedding look was the talk of the town and some also wondered why the actress opted for a rather simple look. However, Parineeti's stylists Nidhi Agarwal and Shraddha Lakhani spoke to ETimes in an exclusive chat and revealed, “Parineeti told us, 'I want to have fun. Don't treat me like a hero. I don't want anyone walking behind. me, I hold my veil, I repair my dupatta. I don't want to be as comfortable as possible. I will not wear heels to any of my functions. It doesn't matter if I look like a maid. not the bride. But I want to be comfortable. The stylists said it was pretty brilliant of Parineeti to not get bogged down in the expectations of being a celebrity, but to choose her own happiness and comfort rather than trying to make her point. view. Parineeti had Raghav Chadha's name on her veil, which again was quite unique.

Parineeti (5)

Ditch the extravagance for a cozy balcony wedding; saree over a lehenga
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor ditched those lavish wedding expectations. They didn't spend a lot of money on a big hall, decoration and extravagance. Instead, they wanted to get married on the balcony of their home, where they lived for five years before their wedding, and create more memories there. The couple has inspired many: weddings may not have to be grand, but they can still be simple and dreamy! Alia opted for an ivory Sabyasachi saree at her wedding so that it was durable and could also be worn again. She repeated her bridal saree when she received her first national award and this also inspired many young girls that it is okay to repeat your clothes and it is important to be sustainable.
In an interview with Vogue, Alia had explained why she chose a saree instead of a bridal lehenga. She said: “You should celebrate the side of you that you think leads to that moment, whether it's a sari, a super simple street style or an extravagant dress. I believe that the beauty of being a woman is that you I can wear all these different clothes all the time I can wear a pantsuit I can wear a dress. One of the strongest aspects of this is that our. wardrobe is so vibrant and I think that's a good thing and should be celebrated.

Alia Ranbir (4)

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Breaking stereotypes
It is said that brides should not wear black during their wedding ceremonies, but Sonam Kapoor opted for a black and white striped lehenga at her reception. She chose to go differently and broke that stereotype. Meanwhile, Dia Mirza called a woman priest to perform her marriage ceremony, which was quite unusual. Many brides have also ditched the iconic red bridal outfit and opted for whites, pastels and pinks.

Sonam Anand

A 75 foot long veil
Priyanka Chopra had two wedding ceremonies – one was a traditional Hindu wedding and the other was a Catholic wedding according to Nick Jonas' culture. For her white wedding. PC opted for a 75 foot long veil and that in itself was a pretty unconventional choice! Talking about it, Priyanka had said in an interview with NDTV, “It wasn't about fashion. I wanted something unique. The red and white dresses were customized for me. I wanted the longest veil of the world and I got it. The outfits were personal choice.

Priyanka Nick (2)

Holding on to feelings
Kriti Kharbanda recently got married to Pulkit Samrat. The actress opted for a pink lehenga for her wedding with intricate gotta patti work, but this color choice was tied to feelings. Pulkit's mother wanted to see her bride in this color at their wedding and Kriti honored her wish. Not to forget that for her 'chooda' ceremony, Kriti wore a 'hair' of her naani and her mother's wedding dupatta. The actress made sure not to go modern like the current tradition, but she was more grounded and held on to the feelings of those close to her.

Kriti Pulkit (3)

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