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Marvel's Latest Cast Must Break a Boring Hollywood Trend

Marvel's Latest Cast Must Break a Boring Hollywood Trend


When it comes to modern villainy, few actors are more competent than Giancarlo Esposito. The actor has quietly become one of Hollywood's go-to men for understated, subversive and downright stylish adversaries. Roles in The Mandalorian And The boys to his escape into Break the badit's hard not to view Esposito as a villain himself.

That said, Esposito seems ready to move out of the rogue's gallery in future roles. The actor has been toying with a role in Marvel's Cinematic Universe for years, and in 2022 he expressed real interest in one of the franchise's most altruistic characters. We talked about Magneto, Esposito said at the time. And there's Professor X… I'm going to go for something a little different. I'm going to let the universe know that this is Professor X.

Two years later, Esposito finally locked down his role in the MCU. Speaking during a panel at CCXP in Mexico City, the actor confirmed that he will appear in a Marvel project sooner rather than later, teasing a role better than you can imagine.

Esposito is well known for his role as an antagonist, but that might change when he appears in the MCU.


I can't promise you it will be Professor said. I think there's something about being original. We've seen different versions of Professor X. Wouldn't you like to see me play a character in a Marvel movie that's original, new and fresh? So mark my words: it will happen sooner than you think.

Given Esposito's enthusiasm, it's hard not to hope for a change for the actor. While he notably doesn't believe in the idea of ​​villains, he's been locked into antagonistic roles for the better part of a decade and sure, he's naturally amazing in every role, but he's apparently amazing. ready to play a good guy. Hopefully Marvel won't waste an artist with such an impressive range. Even if Esposito doesn't end up playing Professor X, there are plenty of heroic and sympathetic characters who still haven't been touched by the MCU.

Esposito seems ready for a new challenge: wouldn't you like to see me play a character in a Marvel movie that's original, new and fresh?

Rich Polk/Deadline/Getty Images

Recent Marvel projects have felt more subversive than ever, all thanks to the added freedom of the multiverse. The next Fantastic Four selected a familiar villain from an alternate Earth, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness did the same with an alternate universe version of Reed Richards (played by John Krasinski) and Charles Xavier (still X-Men former Patrick Stewart, just with a different look).

It's safe to assume that Espositos' MCU character will shake up expectations in a similar way. He could even play a completely new character, much like Shang Chis Katy (played by Awkwafina) or Moon Knights Scarlet Scarab (a remix of a comic book character, played by May Calamawy). The possibilities are truly endless, so hopefully we Esposito can really reveal his character sooner rather than later.




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