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Where Hollywood's Elites Went to College

Where Hollywood's Elites Went to College


DO THEIR SCHOOLS MATTER? Answers below. (Photo illustrations by Dawn Camner; image credits below)


No, the Westside is not haunted or experiencing a sudden increase in his already large rat population. Those screams of horror you hear across the community are the sounds of parents who, after putting their family's entire emotional well-being and sense of self-worth on the line to get a child into the Ivy League, saw those dreams destroyed as the rejection emails arrived. from the Northeast, or comparable schools in Palo Alto and beyond. While the the fate of Paramount Despite twists and turns, many of us parents are considering spending $80,000 a year to send our children to a protest camp on their safety list.

Over the past decade, entertainment professionals across the industry (and around the world) have become obsessed with the idea that only an Ivy League education can validate existence. from a family. Los Angeles Harvard-Westlake (so desperate for an Ivy League halo that he was named after a university with which he had no connection) saw 51 percent of its children apply to the same 14 colleges at the start of the decision-making process.

But after all the SAT prep classes, the interview practice, the weekends traveling the country with the lacrosse team, the late nights supervising the rewrite of that essay, it was very likely that all this for nothingas competition for those few Ivy League spots has reached breaking point in American education.

Before thousands of industry parents write off their children's lives like a $100 million franchise made for streaming, consigning them to a future emptying the ashtrays of a riverboat casino, maybe it's worth worth taking a look at what really matters in this world today. Especially in this industry we've lived in. How much does a young person's future depend on getting that crucial Harvard degree to open doors?

I started at the top: the people who run this company, the overachievers, the masters of our universe, the hyper-success stories. And there you have it, not only is an Ivy League degree not required to climb the heights of Hollywood, but at first glance, it it could even be an obstacle.

Let's first take a look at the people at the top of showbiz, the main bosses or owners, or the owners of the parent company. So let's ask ourselves: To reach the heights of Hollywood, if you're looking to rule it all, what kind of degree is worth having today?





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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