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Jailer to Bramayugam, 5 films from the South that we want to see remade in Bollywood. Wednesday Wish List

Jailer to Bramayugam, 5 films from the South that we want to see remade in Bollywood.  Wednesday Wish List


In the past, Bollywood has seen many remakes of South Indian films creating a storm at the box office. With captivating stories, innovative productions and memorable characters, Southern cinema is a true treasure. Over the years, several films from the southern region have captured the imagination of audiences across India and beyond, leaving a lasting impact on the film industry.

While Bollywood often looks to remake hit regional films, here is a curated list of South Indian films that we think are ripe for Bollywood adaptations with popular stars.


The Tamil drama stars Rajinikanth as a stern but compassionate jailer who sets out to stop a gang when they try to flee from their leader. This massive drama, if remade in Bollywood, could potentially be a serious and intense crime drama with elements of suspense and thriller. However, what could be interesting will be to see Sanjay Dutt step into Rajinikanth's shoes while his son could be played by Siddhant Chaturvedi.

The story may revolve around the life of a tough and principled jailer who finds himself embroiled in a complex web of corruption, power struggles and moral dilemmas within the prison system.


Under the direction of Rahul Sadasivan, the Malayalam thriller reaches new heights as it gradually focuses on the concept of unchecked authority and its tendency to corrupt even those with good intentions. The horror drama with local fantasy elements features Mammootty as the sole surviving member of a ruined and dilapidated house.

If the film were to be remade in Bollywood, one can only imagine Jaideep Ahlawat who will be able to bring his own interpretation to the role. His ability to embody complex emotions and portray complex characters would add layers to the narrative. Given his filmography, Jaideep could infuse the character with the depth and nuance it needs.


The film starring Allu Arjun in the lead is not only popular in the South. With the sequel in the works, fans are quite curious to witness the spectacle on the big screen. The success of the film lies not only in its gripping narrative but also in the exceptional performance of Allu Arjun, who brings the character of Pushpa Raj to life with his nuanced portrayal.

If 'Pushpa' were to be remade in Bollywood, one can't help but speculate about the potential casting that could do justice to the iconic roles. Although replicating Allu Arjun's charisma may seem like a daunting task, Bollywood has a plethora of talented actors who could be up to the task. Ranveer Singh is one such actor who can bring his own style to the character.

On the other hand, the character of Rashmika Mandanna would suit none other than Kiara Advani, who knows how to bring a unique charm to the role.


'Leo' directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj is said to be the Lokesh Cinematic Universe starring Thalapathy Vijay, Trisha Krishnan and Arjun Sarja in key roles. The film is about Parthiban (Vijay), a mild-mannered cafe owner in Kashmir, who fends off a gang of murderous thugs and attracts the attention of a drug cartel by pretending that he was once part of one.

However, what will happen if the film finds its place in Bollywood? Adding his own depth and dimension to the narrative, Akshay Kumar would be best suited for the lead role of Vijay along with Kareena Kapoor as Trisha and Javed Jafferi as Arjun Sarja. The dynamic trio is sure to take the story to new heights and given their fan base, the casting is a guaranteed success mantra.


Rishab Shetty's film is a story set in the fictional village of Dakshina Kannada that explores the ideological conflict between humans and nature. A battle of egos swirls in the country's tradition and culture.

As talks about the Bollywood remake of 'Kantara' continue, it will be interesting to know the cast of the film. Ajay Devgn, who has already played the lead role in various South cinema remakes like 'Drishyam' and 'Singham', would be an ideal choice as the protagonist of 'Kantara'. The actor has the potential to captivate audiences and resonate with viewers of all generations, breathing new life into this legend.

So, which Bollywood remake of the movie South would you like to watch?

Published by:

Prachi arya

Published on:

May 8, 2024




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