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In town: Mother's Day weekend activities and meals

In town: Mother's Day weekend activities and meals


SMDP's weekly guide to dining and entertainment activities in and around the city includes the Venice Art Walk, many dining options for Mother's Day, and much more!

FREE Movie Fridays on the Promenade – “Mamma Mia”: On Friday, May 10, events begin at 6:30 p.m. with fun photo ops, free popcorn and a DJ playing music before the films, which include singing, begin at 7:30 p.m. Guests can bring low chairs (high chairs are not allowed). ), pillows, blankets and picnic essentials to relax with family, friends and even your four-legged friends.

Art walk at the Venice Family Clinic: For 45 years, Venice Family Clinic has celebrated artists and collectors whose talent and generosity raise funds for vital health care in our community. This landmark edition of Venice Family Clinic Art Walk + Auction explores the intersection of history, health, and home. May 10-19.

Elna Garana Celebrity Opera Series: She “is one of the most sought-after singers in the world; among mezzo-sopranos, she has few peers, vocally, musically or dramatically. Friday, May 10, 7:30 p.m. @ Broadstage, 1310 11th Street.

Malibu Comedy Night Rosenthal Wine Bar: Enjoy sips and laughs under the stars in the heart of Malibu! Comedians from Netflix, HBO and Comedy Central! With heating lamps. Friday, May 10, 8 p.m. @ 18741 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu

MANGo Milestone Community Walk: Enjoy a free five-mile social bike ride with Metro Bike Share, Santa Monica Spoke and the City of Santa Monica! This walk is the perfect way to learn more about the Michigan Avenue Neighborhood Greenway (MANGo). This ride is “drop-free,” meaning we will maintain a comfortable and inclusive pace for all participants. Saturday, May 11, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the 17th/SMC station (accessible via line E).

Well-being & Waves: Get ready to ride the rejuvenation wave on the pier with yoga, light running and mindfulness exercises with the relaxing vibes of the oceans as a backdrop, all for FREE! It's like a beach party for your soul! Saturday May 11 – June 29, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Walk and sketch on the beach: Guided by a naturalist, join others on this peaceful pursuit to sketch on our beautiful coastline. “Well, provide the binoculars, drawing boards, pencils and newspaper, or bring your own easy-to-carry drawing tools.” Saturday May 11, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Firefighter day / open day at fire station 1: Open house activities for families and children include fire apparatus and trucks available to explore, tours with firefighters, information on emergency preparedness and hands-only CPR with the American Red Cross . Saturday, May 11, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. @ 1337 7th St.

Beck to headline Venice Family Clinics' inaugural HEART gala: The HEART (Health + Art) initiative is a celebration of creativity and compassion coming together to advance health care for all. The Gala honors the people who have kept the Clinic's services running for more than four decades, with a group of stars from the entertainment industry and art world, including Anjelica Huston, Chuck Lorre, Elisabeth Shue , Richard Chamberlain, Robby Krieger and Tom Morello. Saturday May 11, 6 p.m. @ 3Labs in Culver City.

FREE Fitness Events Meet Plastic Elimination Efforts: Join eco-warrior Cleancult for their inaugural plastic intervention event focused on plastic elimination and holistic workouts. Tuesday May 14, 12:30 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. & Wednesday May 15, 9:30 a.m.

Pizzana Scopa collaboration: For one night only, Scopa chef and Food Network star Antonia Lofaso teams up with Pizzanas head chef and pizza maker Daniele Uditi for a “culinary adventure as they blend their Italian roots with the eclectic vibe of Los Angeles to whip up a daring feast. , delicious and delicious. The four-course meal includes a carefully chosen wine pairing that beautifully enhances each course. Wednesday May 15, 5:30 p.m.

Mother's Day meals:

1 Pico: Celebrate with a 3-course pre-fixe brunch featuring selections like oysters on the half shell, smoked salmon Benedict, or savory crepes. Shutters Hotel, 1 Pico Blvd.

Afternoon Tea at the Fairmont: The 3-course full-service afternoon tea on the Sunset Terrace costs $120/person, including a glass of champagne and an added chef's special dessert in addition to regular menu items. 101 Wilshire Boulevard.

Calabra roof: Treat yourself to Mediterranean dishes, garden-fresh cocktails and ocean views with a 3-course menu for $85/person. 700 Wilshire Boulevard.

The Georgian Room: Spaghetti Momsday celebrates mom with a three-course dinner accompanied by a complimentary glass of Ruinart Champagne or Scribe wine. Spaghetti Sunday classics include Grandpa Tonys meatballs, chicken parmesan and a special Puglia burrata. I ate here recently and loved the food and ambiance and thought it was good value. 1415 Ocean Avenue.

LouLou: DJ Ara and live performances will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a special buffet and Seafood Tower at $85 per adult and $45 for children.

Parsley: Splurge on a prix fixe family brunch, starting with deviled eggs and an assortment of tartlets before indulging in a spring salad, baguette, butter-poached salmon, hangar steak and spring vegetables . Finish with chocolate profiteroles and vanilla ice cream for dessert. They also offer a special children's menu. 2732, rue Principale

Mermaid: Enoy 3-course brunch menu to celebrate »my dear mother”, which begins with a glass of champagne or wine, a range of starters including an artisan bread basket, a farmer's market fruit platter, burrata and butter lettuce salad, guests' choice of a frittata primavera, grilled king salmon, lobster Benedict or a prime filet. steak and eggs, and finishing with a berry crostata with mascarpone whip and a strawberry granita with basil cream for dessert. 1415 Ocean Avenue.

The surfing fox: Celebrate with their new brunch menu, mimosas, foxtails and chef's special crab cakes. Aperol will be offering Aperol Spritz and specialty cocktails as well as an Instagram-worthy flower wall for photos! The chef will also prepare a special surprise dessert for moms to take home with them after dinner. 120 Colorado Ave.

Further away: Wild things happen late at night at Skirball: To celebrate the new exhibition The Art of Maurice Sendak, explore Sendak's imaginative worlds with special gallery access and nightly programming at Skirball. Access after hours to view more than 150 artifacts showcasing the depth and breadth of Sendak's creativity, and enjoy food trucks, a cash bar, live music, a DJ set and activities inspired by Sendak. Friday, May 10, 6:30 p.m. – 10:30 a.m. @ 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.

Looking to the future in the city:
Montana Ave. (18/05),Monopoly (05/19), “Ros sur Rose” Wine Festival (6/8), AIDS Finish Line and Life Cycle Festival (6/8), Eeeeeatscon (6/8-9), Cinema Fridays on the 3rd Street Promenade (14/06), Celebrate music (06/21), Pride on the Promenade (6/22)

If there is anything worth highlighting, you can contact me directly at .Here are my old columns and let me know if you have any comments on Around the city: Mother's Day weekend activities and meals




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