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RNC discussed replacing Trump after 'Access Hollywood' tape: testimony

RNC discussed replacing Trump after 'Access Hollywood' tape: testimony


  • Former White House aide Madeleine Westerhout testified Thursday at Trump's secret trial.
  • The “Access Hollywood” tape shook the RNC, she testified she worked there at the time.
  • Westerhout said RNC officials were so worried that they began planning how to replace Trump.

The “Access Hollywood” tape was so damaging to Donald Trump's 2016 campaign that the Republican National Committee began planning how to replace him as the Republican presidential nominee, his former executive aide testified Thursday.

Madeleine Westerhout, who worked as an aide to a senior RNC official before becoming Trump's White House aide, described the uproar that followed the jury taping of Trump's criminal trial in New York.

“There were discussions about how it would be possible to replace him as candidate if it came to that,” she testified.

The infamous 2005 tape, which circulated before the 2016 presidential election, was highly damaging to the Trump campaign, prosecutors told jurors. In it, Trump brags about capturing women. “When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, grab 'em by the pussy,” he said on the tape.

Trump's team tried, in its opening statement and during its cross-examination of DA witnesses, to frame the secret $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels as something he had done to prevent his family from learning of his alleged affair.

But Westerhout's testimony reinforces the DA's theory that paying Daniels was an illegal campaign expense and that the records were falsified as part of a plot to influence the election.

The former president's trial is in its third week of testimony. He was accused of falsifying 34 business records to conceal the payment made to Daniels days before the 2016 election.

Prosecutors with the Manhattan District Attorney's Office alleged that Trump orchestrated an illegal election influence scheme to buy Daniels' silence during a one-time sexual encounter in 2006 that she said she had with Trump in his office suite. hotel in Lake Tahoe.

Trump has vehemently denied having sex with Daniels.

Under cross-examination Thursday afternoon, Trump lawyer Susan Necheles downplayed the idea that the “Access Hollywood” tape was a major factor for Trump.

In his questions, Necheles said, “There were a few days of consternation,” which “happened all the time during the campaign.”

“There’s always an event that causes utter consternation for a few days, isn’t there?” » asked Necheles.

“Yes,” Westerhout replied.

While “everyone around was going to panic,” Trump “just kept a clear head and continued to run for office,” Necheles said.

In a court deposit Before the historic trial began, prosecutors wrote that the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape “caused panic within the campaign regarding the defendant's electoral prospects and ultimately served as a catalyst for consuming the money by Stormy Daniels.

The former president's lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, argued in his opening statement that there was nothing wrong with then-Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen paying Daniels to protect the Trump brand and prevent him from embarrassing Trump's family.

“I have a spoiler alert for you. It's called democracy,” Blanche said at the time.

Prosecutors say Trump falsified business records throughout 2017, including during his first week in office, when they say he reimbursed Cohen for money he had paid to Daniels.




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