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How to dress like James Bond


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The various incarnations of James Bond are some of the most referenced and celebrated in the masculine style – from the classically British looks of Sean Connery to the 1970s Italian flair of Roger Moore. Like the long awaited No time to die arrives on the big screen, we dissect the outfits and collaborations in the final release of Daniel Craig in 007.

Massimo Alba

Craig, pictured with Léa Seydoux, wears Massimo Alba suit and Brunello Cucinelli shirt
Craig, pictured with Léa Seydoux, wears Massimo Alba suit and Brunello Cucinelli shirt

The Italian couture label is behind Bond’s sand-colored corduroy suit, which he wears with a blue Brunello Cucinelli button-down shirt. Craig himself would be a client of Massimo Alba, and a number of other pieces of the label appear in the film, including gray corduroy pants and a needle feather duster.


Connolly Linen and Cotton Giubbino Jacket

Connolly Linen and Cotton Giubbino Jacket

Craig’s practical work jacket – a short, lightweight ‘bomber’ with pockets – is courtesy of the heritage leather goods brand. He also wears an oatmeal Connolly shirt made in collaboration with the Neapolitan manufacturer Finamore, with whom the brand has worked for more than 20 years.

N. Peal

Daniel Craig wears a navy blue N.Peal military sweater in No Time to Die
Daniel Craig wears a navy blue N.Peal military sweater in No Time to Die

No time to die Suttirat costume designer Anne Larlarb worked with British cashmere Mark to create a navy blue military sweater for Daniel Craig’s character, which he wears with cargo pants and combat boots in the film. The collaboration also includes a round-neck cashmere T-shirt, created for Léa Seydoux’s character, Madeleine Swann.

Tom ford

Craig wears Tom Ford suit and Crockett & Jones derbies
Craig wears Tom Ford suit and Crockett & Jones derbies

While Sean Connery wore suits by British tailor Anthony Sinclair, Craig prefers the work of Tom ford, which he wore throughout his Bond films. In No time to die he was seen in a navy blue tuxedo with black shawl lapels, which he tucked away in a Bennett winch suit rack, as well as a gray Prince of Wales two-piece.


Globe-Trotter cabin suitcase in vulcanized fiberboard

Globe-Trotter cabin suitcase in vulcanized fiberboard

The British luggage brand has a long association with the franchise – its hard cases have appeared in both Spectrum and Fall from the sky. This time, Globetrotter created two ocean green vulcanized cardboard cases based on one of Bond’s uses in the film. Moneypenny, on the other hand – played by Naomie Harris – uses baggage by Michael kors, including the Bancroft leather bag.

Crockett & Jones

Craig wears feather duster and Massimo Alba pants with Crockett & Jones Molton desert boots
Craig wears feather duster and Massimo Alba pants with Crockett & Jones Molton desert boots

The Northampton brand Highbury style was first worn by Craig in Fall from the sky; this time he wears the black derby shoe as part of his tuxedo look. Crockett & Jones” The Molton chukka boot is his shoe of choice for walking in a forest in No time to die.




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