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March Madness: There are no more perfect draws left in the men's tournament, with less than 1% remaining in the women's edition

March Madness: There are no more perfect draws left in the men's tournament, with less than 1% remaining in the women's edition



It's only 31 games into the men's March Madness tournament, but there are no perfect brackets left.

Fans can often spend hours deliberating over the results of matchups, but after some shocking results in the first two days of action, all that hard work was undone.

Only 0.00038 percent of the men's tournament groups were active after the first few days of play, or about 2,100 out of more than 31 million entries, according to the NCAA, but after No. 13 Yales' surprise victory over No. 4 Auburn on Friday, that number was reduced significantly. .

And No. 8 Utah State's victory over No. 9 seed TCU broke the final perfect bracket, meaning that for another year, the feat will remain elusive.

It's a similar case in the women's tournament, where the majority of perfect brackets have already been eliminated.

Although the majority of top seeds were victorious, the NCAA says it is estimated that fewer than 20,000 of the four million entries remain intact.

No. 8 North Carolina's win over No. 9 Michigan State eliminated half the brackets, while No. 11 Middle Tennessee's win over No. 6 Louisville Cardinals reduced the number of brackets perfect at less than 4%.

At the end of Friday's action, the number of perfect brackets was less than 1%.

Reaching a perfect bracket is one of the few things left to achieve in sports, with fans requiring enormous amounts of luck and skill to correctly pick all 63 matches.

Because of the number of upsets and Cinderella stories that March Madness tends to spew out, this has so far proven an impossible feat: The odds of getting every result correct are an extraordinary one to nine quintillion.

As Tim Chartier, distinguished visiting professor at the US National Mathematics Museum, and Joseph R. Morton, professor of mathematics and computer science at Davidson College, explained to CNN Sport in 2023, nine quintillion is a nine followed by 18 zeros.

The highlight of the opening day of women's March Madness came in the form of a dramatic comeback victory for No. 7 seed Iowa State over the No. 7 seed Maryland Terrapins. 10.

The Cyclones overcame a 20-point deficit to seal a 93-86 victory in the first round of the tournament, completing the second-greatest comeback in NCAA women's championship history, just one point behind the greatest.

Iowa State relied on the dominant performance of its center Audi Crooks, who put together an all-time great display to help stage the comeback.

She finished with 40 points on 18 of 20 shooting, while adding 12 rebounds and two blocks to her stat line. Her too broke five Iowa state records in doing so.

Audi Crooks (right) celebrates with forward Nyamer Diew after scoring against Maryland during the second half.

Crooks became only the second player in NCAA women's or men's championship history to score more than 40 points on at least 90 percent shooting, with NBA Hall of Famer Bill Walton being the first to reaching this mark in 1973.

Crooks' 40 points is the most of any player in his first career NCAA Tournament game dating back to 2000.

Afterward, an emotional Crooks paid tribute to her late father for inspiring her.

Before every game, I just try to take a moment, pray and seek advice from my father, she told reporters. He passed away when I was 16 in 2021. I'm trying to take a second, ground myself and tap into my spiritual side and just know that everything will be okay and he has the best place in the house .




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