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How to unlock all cosmetics in Princess Peach: Showtime

How to unlock all cosmetics in Princess Peach: Showtime


As players progress Princess Peach: Showtime, they may notice that the number of dresses and ribbons available in the lobby shop and in their Warbrode will increase. There are several ways to unlock cosmetic items in Princess Peach: Showtimeand fans will be able to decorate both Princess Peach and Stella, her radiant companion during her visit to the Sparkle Theater.


Princess Peach: Showtime – Full Scene List

Here are all the levels that players can play in Princess Peach: Showtime.

This guide will show players all the dresses and ribbons they can wear Princess Peach: Showtimeand it will explain exactly how they can access it.

How Cosmetic Items Work in Princess Peach: Showtime

Players will be able to visit the Sparkle Theater Lobby Shop once they have completed the first level of the game, The Castle of Thrones. At first, they will only have five robes and seven ribbons at their disposal, but this number will quickly increase as they unlock more items.

Players can access more items in the Lobby Shop by completing certain stages in the game, such as defeating a boss or collecting a certain number of Sparkle Gems. However, they will have to exchange coins for these cosmetics. They can try to find the Ribboner NPC in each level to unlock a bunch of dresses and ribbons, which will automatically be added to their wardrobe for free.

Fans who want to finish 100% Princess Peach: Showtime will have to collect all the dresses and all the ribbons in the game, which means they will have to find the Ribboner, the Hide and Seek Theets and all the Sparkle Gem in each game. In addition to this, they must also participate and obtain a Gold Trophy at all repetition levels.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the color of a dress
Princess Peach: Showtime
. Even though some dresses have a different color pattern, most of them are pink, as that is Peach's signature color.

The dresses and ribbons are purely cosmetic. Stella wears her ribbon all the time, but players won't be able to see Peach's dress once she equips one of her transformations.

How to unlock each Princess Peach dress

Here's how players can get each Princess Peach dress Princess Peach: Showtime:




Polka dot dress

N / A

100 pieces

Horizontal striped dress

N / A

100 pieces

Vertical striped dress

N / A

100 pieces

Two-tone dress

N / A

100 pieces

Gradient dress

N / A

100 pieces

Swordsman's Robe

Find the Ribboner in Swordfight-1: The Castle of Thrones

Ninja Dress

Find the Ribboner in Ninja-1: Ninjutsu: The Art of Rapids

Pastry dress

Find the Ribbon Maker in Pâtissière-1: Welcome to the Candy Festival

Cowgirl dress

Find the Ribboner in Cowgirl-1: Cowgirl in the Wilderness

Swordfighter Special Dress

Save the swordsman Sparkla

300 pieces

Special Ninja Dress

Save the Ninja Sparkla

300 pieces

Special Pastry Chef Dress

Save Sparkla Pastry

300 pieces

Special Cowgirl Dress

Save Cowgirl Sparkla

300 pieces

Disco dress

Beat the disco wing

200 pieces

Starry dress

Get a gold trophy in the Swordfighter Rehearsal challenge

Detective dress

Find the Ribboner in Detective-1: The Case of the Missing Mural

Figure skater dress

Find the Ribboner in Figure-Skater 1: A Snow Flower on Ice

Dashing Thief Dress

Find the Ribboner in Dashing Thief-1: The Perfect Infiltration

Special detective dress

Save Detective Sparkla

300 pieces

Special figure skater dress

Save figure skater Sparkla

300 pieces

Dashing Thief Special Dress

Save the dashing thief Sparkla

300 pieces

Croc dress

Defeat Lightfang

200 pieces

Heart dress

Get a gold trophy in the Dashing Thief Rehearsal challenge

Sparkling dress

Collect 100 Sparkling Gems

500 pieces

Mermaid dress

Find the Ribboner in Mermaid-1: Melody of the Sea

Powerful dress

Find the Ribboner in Mighty-1: Mighty Mission: Alien Invasion

Special Mermaid dress

Save Mermaid Sparkla

300 pieces

Mighty Special Dress

Save the mighty Sparkla

300 pieces

Purr dress

Defeat Purrjector Cat

200 pieces

Geometric dress

Get a gold trophy in the Cowgirl Rehearsal challenge

Kung Fu Dress

Find the Ribboner in Kung Fu-1: A Kung Fu Tale

Special Kung Fu dress

Save Kung Fu Sparkla

300 pieces

Spotted dress

Defeat Spotlion

200 pieces

Checked dress

Get a gold trophy in the Kung Fu Rehearsal challenge

Scaly dress

Get a gold trophy in the Mighty Rehearsal challenge

Grape dress

Beat the grapes

500 pieces

Radiant dress

Complete the main story

500 pieces

Special dress

Get all the sparkling gems in the game

1,000 pieces

Secret dress

Find all hide and seek games

How to unlock each Stella Ribbon

Stella wears a radiant ribbon in the entrance hall

Here's how players can get all the Stella Ribbons Princess Peach: Showtime:




Red ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Blue ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Yellow ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Orange ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Lime ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Light blue ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Black ribbon

N / A

100 pieces

Swordsman's Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Swordfighter-2: The Ghostly Castle

Pastry ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Patissiere-2: Welcome to the Spooky Party

Cowgirl Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Cowgirl-2: Cowgirl at Dusk

Ninja Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Ninja-2: Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames

Multicolor Swordfighter Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Swordfighter-3: The Dark Swordfighter & the Arena

Multicolored Pastry Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Patissiere-3: The Dark Baker & the Bewitching Sweets

Multicolor Cowgirl Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Cowgirl-3: The Dark Engine and the Doomed City

Multicolor Ninja Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Ninja-3: The Dark Ninja & the Legion of Guards

Glittery ribbon

Collect 100 Sparkling Gems

500 pieces

Detective Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Detective-2: The Case of the Rainy Day Plot

Figure skater ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Figure Skater-2: A Parade on Ice

Dashing Thief's Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Dashing Thief-2: The Stolen Statue

Multicolored Detective Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Detective-3: The Dark Museum & the Purple Mystery

Multicolor figure skater ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Figure Skater-3: The Dark Ice & the Shadowy Stage

Multicolor Dashing Thief Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Dashing Thief-3: The Dark Prison & the Dangerous Trap

Mermaid ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Mermaid-2: Blight of the Sea

Powerful Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Mighty-2: Mighty Mission: The Rescue

Multicolored Mermaid Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Mermaid-3: Dark Depths and Swirling Currents

Multicolored Mighty Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Mighty-3: Dark Space & the Great Meteor

Kung Fu Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Kung Fu-2:

Multicolor Kung Fu Ribbon

Find the Ribboner in Kung Fu-3: The Dark School & the Twisted Fist

Radiant Ribbon

Complete the main story

500 pieces

showtime fishing price

Princess Peach: Showtime!

March 22, 2024






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