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Rose Ball 2024: for the benefit of the Princess Grace Foundation

Rose Ball 2024: for the benefit of the Princess Grace Foundation

Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Ben Sylvester Strautmann and Charlotte Casiraghi attend the 2024 Rose Ball.Princess Alexandra of Hanover, Ben Sylvester Strautmann and Charlotte Casiraghi attend the 2024 Rose Ball.

On Saturday, the Rose Ball took place at the prestigious Salle des Etoiles in Monaco under the presidency of HRH the Princess of Hanover, where the annual event raised funds for the Princess Grace Foundation.

Princess Alexandra of Hanover it was a custom Céline by Hédi Slimane black dress.

The strapless part of the dress, accented with a bow, allowed this look to spark a lot of intrigue, along with it. AE Kchert earings.

Am I alone in thinking that Celine Does the bag seem a little too casual for the dress?

You will not be surprised to learn that Charlotte Casiraghi wore Chanel Haute Couture.

I'm not convinced the top half is that flattering, nor the center slit, but the embellished bodice is stunning.

I would love for Charlotte to explore other labels, but I think we have a better chance that Jennifer Aniston's next promotional tour won't feature a black or silver dress.

Chanel Spring 2022 Haute Couture
Pierre Casiraghi and his wife Beatrice Borromeo attend the 2024 Rose Ball Pierre Casiraghi and his wife Beatrice Borromeo attend the 2024 Rose Ball

On the other hand, Beatrice Borromeo relationship with Dior continues to be successful as this gold fringed dress showcases Maria Grazia Chiuri's shimmering approach to quiet elegance.

The gold fringe details reminded me of Jennifer Lawrence's Dior dress for the Dont Look Up premiere in New York.

Christian Louboutin, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco attend the 2024 Rose BallChristian Louboutin, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco attend the 2024 Rose Ball

Princess Caroline of Monacousually joins Charlotte in wearing Chanel Haute Couture for this event, but she chose to bring a little glitz to the occasion by wearing a Lanvin sequinned dress that was accented by her silver and lavender jewelry.

Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco attend the 2024 Rose Ball Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco attend the 2024 Rose Ball

Considering this was a 70s themed event,Princess Charlene of Monacowas the only one as host to receive the memo bearing this brilliant Elie Saab jumpsuit decorated with a Elie Saab clutch.

She gets an A for effort and being in theme, but I would have liked it even more if she had. stayed the course.

Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Beatrice Borromeo were my favorites here.

Credit: Stéphane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images /

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