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Paris Hilton ditches her bra in a bold cutout coat on the Fashion Trust US Awards red carpet

Paris Hilton ditches her bra in a bold cutout coat on the Fashion Trust US Awards red carpet


For Paris Hilton, black is the new pink.

The socialite, 43, turned heads at the second annual Fashion Trust US Awards on Tuesday night in a deconstructed black blazer dress with a dizzying amount of cutouts.

Hilton's fashion-forward Mugler look featured pointed shoulders and a cinched waist with a structured skirt, which hung over a black skirt and showed swaths of skin on top.

Paris Hilton sported diamond studs and her engagement ring to accessorize the all-black Mugler look. MovieMagic
Paris Hilton showed off her body in an edgy cutout Mugler blazer for the Fashion Trust US Awards on April 9. Getty Images
The entrepreneur, 43, sported an all-black outfit that showed off her skin. MovieMagic
Hilton paired the look with a black snakeskin Mugler bag and oversized sunglasses. Getty Images for Fashion Trust US

The mom of two teamed the fashion-forward outfit with sheer black tights and pointy pumps. She accessorized the outfit with a Mugler handbag ($1,740) and oversized sunglasses.

While her exact look isn't yet available for purchase, there are plenty of similar Mugler styles for fans to purchase, including a wrap blazer ($2,190 $1,292) which shows a lot of skin, a cut look ($1,695) and another with mesh ($2,412).

The reality star pulled her blonde hair back into a slicked-back bun with face-framing side bangs and kept her jewelry simple, flaunting diamond studs and her huge engagement ring from husband Carter Ruem.

The mom of two completed the look with her hair pulled back and side bangs that framed her profile. Getty Images for Fashion Trust US
Hilton attended the event alongside many Hollywood stars and fashion icons. Getty Images for Fashion Trust US

The entrepreneur was in attendance with a slew of stars and fashion icons, including Ashley Graham, Kelsea Ballerini, Selma Blair, Kristin Davis and more.

Hilton attended the star-studded event following a luxury family vacation to St. Barts over the Easter holidays, where they shared adorable snaps of son Phoenix, 1, and later responded to fans worried about why she hadn't shown 4 months yet. the face of old girl London on social media.

I feel like my life has been so public with everything, it told E! News at the Fashion Trust US Awards on Tuesday. So I just wanted to keep my little girl for myself.

I'm going to show it to the world soon because everyone keeps asking for it, she added.




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