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NYPD to crack down on negligent cops by banning shorts, white turtlenecks and cargo pants

NYPD to crack down on negligent cops by banning shorts, white turtlenecks and cargo pants


By Rocco Parascandola
New York Daily News

NEW YORK They are real fashion police: Fed up with careless cops, the NYPD decided to update its dress code, banning shorts on public transportation and white turtlenecks while on patrol.

The department's updated style guide, set to take effect next month, also directs patrol officers not to wear tactical cargo pants and reinforces long-standing guidelines including a ban on shoelaces that are not not black.

Detective Paul Saraceno, who has led a committee reviewing police attire since last summer, cast the crackdown as an effort to ensure a uniform, professional-looking force, rather than the product of a specific misstep.

I believe in every profession, if you take it seriously and you act professionally, you dress professionally, you present yourself the same way, it revolves around everything you do, said Saraceno.

If you're not clear, if you're careless, that says a lot about who you are, he added. We expect professionalism in all aspects.

But the plan has drawn criticism from the city's largest police union.

Patrick Hendry, president of the Police Benevolent Association, vowed to challenge the new rules in court, predicting they would drive police officers from the force.

The ministry's timing and handling of these changes is completely wrong, it said in a statement. The NYPD has bigger problems to solve, we're still understaffed by the thousands and losing hundreds of cops every month.

The new rules are expected to take effect on May 6, according to guidelines released Monday. Supervisors will still retain the authority to authorize the use of short-sleeved shirts on days when the temperature is expected to exceed 65 degrees.

But short sleeves associated with V-neck sweaters should be banned. These outerwear require a long-sleeved shirt and tie, according to the memo.

Listen to Gordon Graham discuss professional law enforcement attire:

Saraceno said the department is also considering banning beards, except in cases where officers have a medical or medical certificate. religious exemptions. In 2020, the The New York police are relaxed a long-standing ban on facial hair.

Over the years, officers have sometimes relaxed their choice of clothing. After 9/11, for example, more and more patrol officers were seen wearing cargo pants.

In 2013, then head of the department Philippe Banks, In a 10-page memo, he describes a crackdown on negligent cops, urging officers to shine their shoes, cover their tattoos and straighten their caps.

Banks, now deputy mayor for public safety, said officers' appearance must be clean and meet all standards.

At the time, he told the Daily News that the public has more confidence in officials who appear professional.

This spring directive states that all uniformed officers must wear standard uniform pants, called twill pants. And the choices will be limited to just one style from just one company.

Saraceno suggested the move was intended to prevent police partners from having mismatched uniforms.

White turtlenecks, Saraceno said, are following the path of light blue shirts banned by the New York Police Department three decades ago. White turtlenecks are tossed aside because they get dirty quickly.

During the winter months, when the temperature drops below freezing, NYPD winter hats will still be permitted, with the NYPD lettering emblazoned on the front and center of the forehead.

Several officers said they too often see officers with the letters crooked. They also balked at officers who wear the NYPD-approved baseball cap tilted to the side or upwards.

Have you ever seen a poorly dressed police officer? » asked an officer. You see them and you know they mean business.

New York Daily News 2024.
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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