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ASU men's basketball is once again facing massive turnover this offseason

ASU men's basketball is once again facing massive turnover this offseason


This year, ASU men's basketball's star guard broke the single-season steals record, but what followed was a nightmarish repeat of last season, in which the Sun Devils saw an exodus massive from the inside.

This week, second-year transfer to Louisville Lands of Kamari became the latest Sun Devil to enter the portal after finishing his sophomore year averaging 4.5 points in Tempe.

Recent player transfers and coaching changes have significantly affected the team. Record holder and junior guard Frankie Collins is gone, and the team's defensive backbone, Jermaine Kimbroughaccepted an assistant coaching position at ASU's next-door neighbor, GCU.

Collins took to Instagram to announce he was entering the transfer portal, keeping ASU in the picture as he narrowed his list of options to six. Ultimately, Collins decided to commit to conference opponent TCU.

The TCU program has been to the NCAA Tournament for three straight years.

Most recently, they fell to Utah State in the first round. In 2023, they beat Collins and the Sun Devils but fell in the second round; in 2022, they fell the same way.

Collins' upside on both ends of the court was appreciated in Tempe as the Sun Devil team leader for two seasons. His style of play fits perfectly with what ASU has been trying to build. He was an effective transition player who could get out and run then attack the rim with a reverse layup, jam or bucket in traffic.

He was known as a defensive threat. He broke ASU's single-season steal record, averaging 2.6 steals and ranking sixth in the nation, and led the Pac-12. He also grabbed more than three defensive boards per game and more than four total, second on the team.

In addition to being well suited to his style of play, Collins also averaged nearly 14 points per game and 4.4 rebounds, both of which are career highs.

Losing Kimbrough is a tough loss for the team in over 20 years he has either been coaching or working in the front office. Most of that time was spent at Cleveland State, where he helped them to three NITs and an NCAA tournament.

He also helped recruit and coach NBA talent, including two-time NBA champion Norris Cole.

He spent time coaching at Loyola Chicago, where he helped them to a Sweet Sixteen and several successful seasons. Silver Waves Media recently voted him one of the 50 most influential assistant majors in Division I basketball.

Kimbrough said he went to GCU to learn, grow and be part of a winning culture.

In addition to these two major losses, the program now has nine other players in the transfer portal. Among these eight, the junior guard Jamiya Nealsenior striker Zane Meeks and junior forward Bryant Selebangue are the biggest losses.

Neal led alongside Collins and was a threat off the dribble, could knock down threes occasionally and could attack the lane with force.

Even though Meeks was injured for most of the season, he had a great year in San Francisco before joining ASU and could be a key player if healthy.

Selebangue is the type of player everyone wants in their team. He's eager to find offensive rebounds and bring ASU experience while being a spark of energy.

Despite all these defeats, ASU had a victory in the form of Bashir Jihad. He's a junior forward who spent his career at Ball State and, in his final season, took the bull by the horns.

He averaged 18.6 points and 8 rebounds, all team highs. He also averaged one steal and nearly two assists.

He is the new Sun Devil and an asset for the head coach Bobby Hurley to build as he looks to shape his first team in new Big 12 territory.

Edited by Alfred Smith III, Sadie Buggle and Grace Copperthite.

Contact the reporter at [email protected] and follow @HenryJSmardo on X.

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