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50 Life Lessons From Victoria Beckham's Forgotten 2006 Fashion Manual

50 Life Lessons From Victoria Beckham's Forgotten 2006 Fashion Manual


16. Put a belt on it

In almost everyone's mid-2000s tradition, Beckham reiterates a desperate plea for women to pinch a belt on men's shirts and extra-long knits to give the illusion of an hourglass figure . She said she often does the same thing with David's sweaters during the summer months.

17. Borrow from boys

She is phobic and prefers men's shirts over women's blouses for a sexy, clean and sharp appearance. She knows that Dolce & Gabbana and Yves Saint Laurent practically invented the unbuttoned pencil skirt look and recommends a cardigan as a fantastic way to add character to jeans.

18. Tracksuits should be worn in private

Much like Karl Lagerfeld, Beckham has a natural aversion to tracksuits. Great for drooling around the house on Sunday mornings, but obnoxious for photographic occasions.

19. Leave the miniskirts to tweens

According to Beckham, the question of whether to wear a mini skirt or a long A-line tends to resolve itself with age.

20. The sexy secretary is always a sexy look

It was 2006 and at that time, Victoria Beckham had never met a pencil skirt she didn't like. She said these silhouettes hold everything together, giving beautiful shape to a woman's figure, and are much more subtle than thongs falling from low-rise jeans.

21. Dress like Carrie Bradshaw

Beckham frequently references Carrie Bradshaw throughout the book, describing her approach to fashion as mesmerizing and inspiring. The way she put together her own outfits was totally original and fabulous, she said. Like her: beautiful, but in an unconventional way. Better yet, Carrie dressed for herself: she knew she looked great and was having fun. Who cared if some of her boyfriends didn't understand?

22. DIY your own clothes

Another hard-to-believe truth is that Victoria Beckham once made her own clothes: she sewed elastic into straight-leg jeans so that they hugged her growing belly during her pregnant months. She said she also made her own skirts from pom-pom and vintage shawls for the holidays with David.

23. Visit to the Azzedine Hélas workshop

A little more credible is that Victoria Beckham recommends going to Paris and visiting Azzedine Alaas's studio.

24. Fashion is tragic




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