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Best spring jackets for men 2024

Best spring jackets for men 2024


The best spring jackets for men are comfortable, stylish, and provide lightweight warmth. Spring weather can be unpredictable, so you'll need a jacket that you can easily layer as the temperature fluctuates. With that in mind, we've tapped into our men's fashion expertise and found a handful of options that deserve a place in your wardrobe. Our list includes Everlanes Organic Cotton Chore Jacketwhich is a casual and comfortable work jacket, refined Bonobos Bombardier Boulevard and sporty Luluemons Full-Zip Textured Hooded Jacket.

All of our picks emphasize lightweight, breathable fabrics, and if you live in an area where it rains frequently, consider a jacket with a hood or water-resistant coating. Below, all the best spring jackets for men that we highly recommend.

Editors' Picks, at a glance

The chore coat was originally worn by laborers and farmers and had oversized front pockets for storing tools. Today it is a versatile and practical garment, heavier than a button but not as insulated as a typical winter jacket. The Everlanes chore jacket is made from sturdy organic cotton and has three pockets in total, two front patch pockets and one interior chest pocket.

Bomber jackets are a classic style that dates back to World Wars I and II. The style is defined by the cuffs and waist and typically features a fitted, cropped silhouette. The Bonoboss version has a ribbed hem, collar and cuffs and is made from a washable cotton and nylon blend.

When you're on the go and need an extra layer, the Lululemons Textured Full-Zip Hooded Jacket is a smart option. The lightweight, water-resistant fabric is machine washable and folds up so you can easily toss it in your suitcase or backpack. Other thoughtful features include underarm vents, zippered side pockets, and an adjustable hem and hood (the drawcord lets you cinch it tighter to lock in warmth or loosen it for more ventilation).

The J.Crew Harrington Jacket is a modern take on the traditional work jacket, ideal for mid-season conditions. It provides ample warmth when temperatures drop at night, and the heavy cotton twill is soft to the touch. This jacket has a slightly shorter silhouette that hits the waist, so size up if you prefer a longer fit.

Deck jackets were originally worn by sailors during World War II to protect against wind, rain and cold. Today, it's a popular style for casual wear and pairs well with just about anything in your wardrobe. The Buck Masons version is fully lined and features a water-repellent finish, corduroy details and a front zip fastening.

A shirt jacket is a spring staple that's easy to throw over a t-shirt or sweater when you need a little extra warmth. This iteration has a boxy fit, a light wash and two front patch pockets. It's thinner than a regular jacket, so don't expect it to completely replace your outerwear on still-cold days.

Carhartt Storm Defender Waterproof Jacket

Halfway between a windbreaker and a jacket, this premium pick from Carhartt is made from durable nylon that can withstand rain, wind, and more without weighing you down. Useful features include an adjustable hood, hem and zippered pockets to keep your essentials secure. Also great: it folds up and packs into its own pocket for travel.

Dickies – Unlined Eisenhower Jacket

Dickies is well known for its durable and comfortable basics like pants, shirts and outerwear. Originally developed for military use, the Eisenhower Jacket features a relaxed fit with a front zipper, slash pockets, and a hidden interior pocket for storing a phone or wallet. Note that it runs large, so you may need to size down.

Levis trucker jacket

Every spring wardrobe needs a denim jacket, and you'll keep this Levis pick in constant rotation even beyond spring. It's made from 100% non-stretch denim that fades nicely over time. Plus, it looks cool no matter what you pair it with.

Why trust Forbes Verified

At Forbes Vetted, we approach our product recommendations with transparency and a critical eye. As a team, we have tried, rated and put many clothing and accessories through their paces to assess their performance, quality and value for money. We've reviewed and rated everything from the best jeans for men to the best fall jackets for men to the most comfortable dress shoes. Additionally, we regularly update this list with relevant details to ensure that you get the most accurate information possible. Its last update was in April 2024.

How We Choose the Best Spring Jackets for Men

To determine the best spring jackets for men, Katherine Louie, business editor at Forbes Vetteds, read hundreds of product reviews and weighed options from both established and newer brands on the market. We finally chose the best spring jackets for men by analyzing key factors including quality, durability, style, comfort and versatility. We also looked at whether the jackets were available in a wide range of sizes and prices. Finally, Associate Editor Kari Molvar oversaw the writing of this article and has been covering fashion and lifestyle topics for over 20 years. She has written extensively about men's fashion, from the best shorts to the best wallets. The products on this list reflect several weeks of extensive research and vetting.

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