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Jean Shanley: Sydney found her dress | News

Jean Shanley: Sydney found her dress |  News


It was a simple announcement that sparked cheers in the family, especially among the women.

Sydney is engaged to my brother's grandson, Alex, and plans to get married in a little over 13 months.

She had invited Alex's mother, Kathleen, and her grandmother, Judy, to accompany her mother and grandmother on shopping with her as she searched for an important dress, the wedding dress.

Judy told me that the shopping trip was a wonderful experience as they saw Sydney try on different styles of dresses, looking for the perfect dress.

After trying on several, one of the store employees showed Sydney a dress that had just arrived in the store. As the employee held her, the dress slipped off the hanger and Sydney decided to try it on since it was right there.

It was THE dress, Sydney decided. It felt like it was meant to be.

She had found her dress and everyone was excited and delighted for her.

Of course, the whole party was sworn to secrecy, and I understand that it's always exciting for wedding guests to see the bride in her dress at the same time.

I thought about it this week. Sydney found HER dress.

When we talk about a bride-to-be choosing a dress, it's almost always the fact that she found HER dress as if there was only one perfect dress and she's waiting to be found by the bride-to-be for whom it was designed.

It's the dress that makes the bride-to-be feel special as she prepares to embark on another phase of her life. This is the dress she will wear when she becomes Mrs. and exchanges vows with the love of her life.

Sydney and Alex met while students at Penn State (as did her parents, Chuck and Kathleen). The family met her and watched their love grow over the years.

Last fall, we were thrilled to learn that Alex had proposed (at Penn State, of course) and when she was here for the Groger family Christmas, we all admired her ring.

Again, we didn't say a ring or the ring, but his ring.

It seems that, as with the dress, there is only one ring intended for each bride, as it has been designed and made and is just waiting for the groom-to-be to find it and present it to her in the framework of the marriage promise.

Weddings are like that filled with special moments and plans that come together to make each couple's wedding not just a ceremony, but THEIR wedding and a time to celebrate a marriage, a new beginning, a new addition to a family (of two sides). )

I haven't heard all the wedding plans yet, but I'm sure I will while I wait for the excitement that weddings bring. It's always fun to share the excitement of a celebration of love.

Celebrations are wonderful ways to share good things with those we love and care about, those who have watched the bride or groom (or perhaps both) grow up and enter the adult world, ready to face life's challenges alongside their chosen partner. .

Because the wedding itself is so special, it's something that those who love the couple look forward to celebrating with them.

It's always a joy to see the groom's face when he sees his bride walking down the aisle, radiant in her dress, smiling as they say their vows to become man and wife.

Whether the dress is mermaid style, an A-line dress, or a simple sheath, the bride always looks beautiful because I think her dress makes her feel special, and that's important for any bride on her wedding day.

It is always important for the groom to realize that the bride chose his dress because she not only wanted to feel special for herself, but also for him.

The smiles on the groom's face usually reflect the opinion that his bride is beautiful and give him the chance that she will say yes, not just to the dress, but especially to being his wife.

I know it doesn't matter what type of dress someone wears to a wedding, the vows and love are the most important parts of the ceremony.

But I love watching the groom smile as he sees his bride in HER radiant dress as she walks down the aisle and becomes his bride.

And I love seeing the bride confident and happy as she sees the groom smiling as they begin their married life.

The ring and the dress are definitely important parts of traditional engagements and weddings.

But what is even more important than these traditions is that the bride and groom know that they have found their soul mate and that they are ready to share their happiness with those who love them and to share their enthusiasm for becoming husband and wife. female.

Jean Shanley is retired from the Meadville Tribune where she was communities and societies editor.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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