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Trump's Court Conduct Gives Democrats a Sleepy Joe Reply

Trump's Court Conduct Gives Democrats a Sleepy Joe Reply


Former President Donald Trump long cast President Biden as Sleepy Joe, accusing him of being too old and too weak to do the job. The Biden campaign now sees an opportunity to turn the situation around.

The campaign has increasingly highlighted reports that Trump appeared to doze off during his secret trial in New York, which began this week.

A weak and tired Donald Trump falls asleep in court once again, the campaign announced Friday on X, in response to a New York Times live blog post claiming that Trump appears to have fallen asleep again in court.

Later Friday, Biden's campaign called Trump Sleepy Don in a press release saying he had a nightmare week that included turning a blind eye.

These digs are notable because the Biden campaign and the White House have otherwise avoided commenting on the trial itself. Trump argued the affair was an attempt to interfere with the 2024 election, claiming without evidence that Biden orchestrated it in the run-up to their November rematch.

The Trump campaign fired back at the Biden campaign on Friday, calling the Times fake news coming from a reporter who wasn't even in the courtroom.

Compare that to Biden constantly falling asleep in meetings, and repeatedly tripping and breaking his ass while falling, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement.

The Times reporter who wrote the blog post, Maggie Haberman, said in an email that she was watching from an overflow room outside the courtroom.

Unlike Trump's aides sitting behind him in the courtroom, I was in the overflow room and, along with other reporters, could see his entire face on a very large screen thanks to a camera in closed circuit, Haberman said.

The trial is the first of four Trump faces in the run-up to the 2024 election. In New York, he faces 34 counts of falsifying business records related to a 2016 hush money payment intended to silencing an adult film actress over an alleged sexual tryst.

Trump is expected to be present every day of the trial, which began Monday with jury selection.

It's not entirely clear whether Trump fell asleep in court. Washington Post reporters watched the trial from inside the courtroom, but seated behind Trump and from the overflow room where there is a video feed. They saw his eyes close several times this week.

During questioning by jurors on Tuesday, Trump closed his eyes and at times lowered his head. A moment later, Trump was leaning back and his eyes appeared closed while his head tilted occasionally.

On Thursday, Trump appeared to rest his eyes as the judge, Juan Merchan, read detailed jury instructions.

When there were early reports that Trump appeared to be dozing in court on the opening day of the trial, the Biden campaign responded playfully, using that to highlight a major issue for Democrats this election cycle .

Wake up Donald: After stormy media coverage on abortion ban, Trump poll memo attempts to quell panic, reads the subject line of a Biden campaign press release.

The press release referenced a Trump campaign memo that downplayed the political potency of the abortion issue in Arizona after a state Supreme Court upheld a near-total ban on abortion there last week.

Biden's campaign told the Washington Post that it remains focused on issues other than Trump's trial.

“Our campaign and that of the President are focused on the American people and not on the trials and tribulations of Donald Trump,” Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement. We also don't sleep on the fact that campaigns are won by the candidate who stays focused on fighting for the American people, without getting distracted by their own grievances or seeking revenge and retaliation.

Yet Trump's criticism is part of a sustained effort by the Biden campaign to amplify examples of the former president mixing people up, distorting facts or forgetting his words, as Biden officials grapple with concerns about Biden's own mental health. Even though Biden, 81, is only a few years older than Trump, 77, polls show voters are more concerned about Biden's age.

At the White House, officials repeatedly declined to comment on the matter and suggested Biden was not paying close attention.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday, the first day of the trial, that she expected Biden to receive an update at some point in the day, but that he was focused on meetings with foreign leaders that day. Asked about the next day's trial, she said Biden was focused on a three-day tour of Pennsylvania that he was starting that day.

Jury selection in Trump's trial concluded Friday afternoon and opening statements are expected Monday.

The trial, Trump said Friday afternoon on social media, is a long and rigged contest of endurance.

Isaac Arnsdorf and Tyler Pager contributed to this report.




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