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Imran Khan's big claim that his wife's food is mixed with 'toilet cleaner' India TV

Imran Khan's big claim that his wife's food is mixed with 'toilet cleaner' India TV


Image source: REUTERS Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi.

Islamabad: In a dramatic statement, incarcerated former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said his wife Bushra Bibi was fed food laced with toilet cleaner which caused daily stomach irritation, according to media reports. In his words. Bushra Bibi, 49, is currently detained at their Bani Gala residence in Islamabad after being convicted in a corruption case and another linked to her illegal marriage.

Imran made the allegations during the hearing of a corruption case before an accountability court in Adiala jail in Rawalpindi, the Express Tribune reported. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder said a doctor recommended conducting tests on Bushra Bibi at Shifa International Hospital, but the prison administration remained adamant about conducting the test at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Hospital.

The court advised Imran to refrain from holding “press conferences” during the hearings, to which he responded by saying his statements were being misquoted and that he was engaging with journalists to clarify them. When the court stressed the importance of decorum while addressing the media after the hearing, the former prime minister said the prison service expels the media from the courtroom once the hearing is over.

Bushra Bibi claimed she was served 'poisoned food'

This came after Bushra Bibi filed a petition before the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on April 15 and requested the court to conduct her medical examination and tests at Shaukat Khanum Hospital or any another private hospital of her choice to check if she had been poisoned. by contaminated food, according to local reports. She claimed she suffered from heartburn, throat pain and pain caused by eating “poisoned food.”

“My eyes are swelling, I feel pain and discomfort in my chest and stomach, and food and water also taste bitter. A suspicious substance was mixed in the honey earlier and now the toilet cleaner was mixed in my food,” the former first lady said earlier. . However, her personal doctor said earlier this month that she had not received any toxic substances after carrying out a medical examination. At present, there is no evidence of Bushra Bibi poisoning, said Dr Asim Yousuf.

Bushra Bibi also claimed that spy cameras were installed in different places in the room where she was confined. She said there was only one woman in the sub-jail while the rest of the staff were men and she felt uncomfortable in such an environment. She urged authorities to ensure her human rights were protected, saying she had not had enough time to meet with her family members and lawyers.

On April 17, Imran Khan claimed that Pakistan Army Chief General Asim Munir was directly responsible for Bushra Bibi's imprisonment and warned her if anything happened to her. “If anything happens to my wife, I will not leave Asim Munir, I will not leave Asim Munir as long as I am alive. I will report his unconstitutional and illegal steps,” he said.

Court orders medical examination of Imran Khan and his wife

Meanwhile, the Islamabad accountability court accepted the medical examination requests of Imran Khan and his wife and ordered that the endoscopy of Bushra Bibi be supervised by Dr Asim Younus of Shaukat Khanum Hospital Memorial, owned by Imran's charity, as well as a government breast doctor. two days.

“Prison authorities, under the control of an illegitimate regime, have repeatedly overturned court orders… What remains to be seen is whether or not they will comply with the court orders this time,” said the PTI in a message published on social networks. Additionally, the judge ordered the presentation of six witnesses related to the referral at the next hearing.

A Pakistani high court on Tuesday ruled on a petition filed by Bushra Bibi seeking her transfer to the high-security Adiala Prison, where her husband, former Prime Minister Imran Khan, is incarcerated. The Islamabad High Court rejected his petition as his lawyers failed to appear in court.

Earlier in January, Imran and Bushra Bibi were sentenced to 14 years in prison in the Toshakhana corruption case relating to the illegal sale of state gifts the former prime minister received during his tenure. Imran was lodged in Adiala jail in Rawalpindi while Bushra Bibi was lodged at his home in Bani Gala after he was declared a sub-jail. The sentence was stayed by the Islamabad High Court on Monday.

(with contribution from agencies)

READ ALSO |Pakistan: Imran Khan claims his wife Bushra Bibi was “poisoned” in Bani Gala prison and accuses army chief




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