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Meghan Markle's sexy spring dress costs $515, but I found similar styles

Meghan Markle's sexy spring dress costs $515, but I found similar styles


Meghan Markle is known for her refined style, often opting for sleek ballet flats, cozy cardigans and straight-leg jeans. However, she recently tossed all her essentials aside for a sunny spring outing with Prince Harry and me. SO here for that.

Last week, Markle attended the Royal Salute Polo Challenge in Wellington, Florida, where she opted for a surprisingly risky ensemble. Its $515 Heidi Merrick long dress featured a mock neck, low waist pleated skirt, folded halter top and a drum roll, please center cutout. The keyhole detail highlighted her chest, adding a flattering touch to an otherwise traditional spring dress.

The skin-baring feature is both sexy and sophisticated, requiring me to do a second take. Who knew a long dress could be so seductive? Immediately, I wanted my own version, so I scoured the internet and found six white and printed lookalikes, starting at $42.

6 Keyhole Cutout Spring Dresses

Zesica backless crossover long dress


THE Zesica backless crossover long dress imitates Markles separates perfectly, offering a scarf collar, stretchy waist, tiered skirt and of course a cutout at the midriff. The open back lets the fresh spring air kiss your skin, while 26 styles allow you to find your ideal combination. A buyer I dressed him from top to bottom quickly swapping shoes, calling them flowy and light. She said she might even order a second version for an upcoming wedding, and I don't blame her.

BTFBM – Long cut-out dress with thin straps


If you're sold on the crisp white hue, consider BTFBMs thin strap dress. It features a draped bottom, flattering slit, smocked back and convenient pockets. The porters say he comes in a thick linen-like material, claiming that the dress hugs your body and highlights the best features. Someone else said you don't even need to wear a bra with this dress. because it is rather favorableso shop this pick in sizes S to XXL and 18 colors.

Madewell Double Tie Sweetheart Cutout Midi Dress


I love this Madewell midi dress because the double arches provide a little more coverage. Enjoy a chic calf length, flattering sweetheart neckline, adjustable straps, smocked back and side pockets. Wear it with cowboy boots for a western approach or opt for comfortable sandals to keep it casual.

BTFBM – Long flowing dress with puff sleeves


Even though spring is the time to wear light, airy clothes, you might still want something with sleeves. BTFBM long dress with puff sleeves offers a great solution with its fitted upper, high waist and A-line skirt. Shoppers have nicknamed it the perfect spring dressand I agree especially when it comes in 11 floral prints and in sizes S to XXL.

Shop more of Markle's keyhole-inspired spring dresses below.

Cantonwalker satin slit maxi dress


Madewell Sleeveless V-Neck Midi Dress





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