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I just bought this $38 Amazon dress for summer and it's surprisingly flattering

I just bought this $38 Amazon dress for summer and it's surprisingly flattering


Other than a tank top I stole from my sister a few summers ago, I don't own anything white. With two young boys who live to snack on chocolate and make a mess in the mud, my wardrobe is full of dark colors that hide any trace of their wild ways. But for my next college reunion, I needed an all-white outfit for one of the alumni events. I took a chance and ordered this one-shoulder sleeveless maxi dress from Amazon, and once I put it on, I immediately fell in love. Although it creases quite easily, it's flattering and stylish, and at its current sale price of $38, the price is absolutely right. To read my honest review of this affordable Amazon maxi dress, check out my thoughts below.


Shop this asymmetrical dress in 11 different designs and colors.


  • Comfortable
  • Flattering
  • Can dress up or down

$38 at Amazon

That's flattering : I do a lot of Pilates and planks and appreciate an asymmetrical dress that can show off my upper body. Mind you, my lower body is still a work in progress, which makes the flowing skirt that skims the calves an ideal fit.

The elastic bodice is perfect for a B cup girl like me. I am a breast cancer survivor with red scars on my chest, and this white dress is opaque enough that even without a bra they are completely hidden.

It has pockets: This 100% rayon dress also has seamless side pockets, which are always an added bonus. If I wasn't looking for a white dress, I absolutely would have opted for one of the 11+ fun and festive designs on offer.

It creases easily: When I first opened the package, I was disappointed to see how wrinkled the dress was. Of course, I appreciate any chance to release my True & Tidy Portable Steamerbut I see that wherever this dress goes, my steamboat must also follow.

It's not the best quality: I also noticed a few stray strings at the bottom of the skirt that needed to be cut. Although the hem is fully intact, it's never comforting to see such poor craftsmanship on a brand new item.

ANRABESS 2023 Bohemian Summer Dress for Women, One Shoulder Sleeveless Smocked Ruffle Tiered Beach Maxi Dress Although the bodice of this Amazon dress is very flattering, the skirt wrinkles extremely easily ( photos via the author).ANRABESS 2023 Bohemian Summer Dress for Women, One Shoulder Sleeveless Smocked Ruffle Tiered Beach Maxi Dress Although the bodice of this Amazon dress is very flattering, the skirt wrinkles extremely easily ( photos via the author).

While the bodice of this Amazon dress is very flattering, the skirt wrinkles extremely easily (photos via author).

Size and material: The dress comes in sizes small to extra-large, but I would have preferred an extra-small size (not offered) for a more fitted fit. A few online reviewers said the bodice was a little itchy. It's not the most stylish top, but the elastic bodice didn't irritate my skin. Of course, I may feel differently after a few hours of wearing it on a hot day. Fingers crossed, that’s not the case!

One more thing: every one-shoulder dress I've purchased comes with a clear loop so you can put both sides of the dress on a hanger; this one doesn't. It's super annoying, and I might even sew one on top just so I can store it properly in my closet.

If you're looking for a fun and flirty dress that can pair with a pair of heels or ballet flats, then this one-shoulder number is for you. At 38 percent off, you might even want to buy it in more than one color.

That said, would I buy it at the full price of $61? Probably not. Its easily wrinkled rayon fabric is a huge turn-off for me, a mom who prides herself on low-maintenance fashion. However, in this case the dress is so comfortable that I will make an exception.

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