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Jordyn Woods stays in the United Arab Emirates and shares photos of sexy dresses with fans – Hollywood Life


Jordyn Woods was soaking up the sun while she stayed in the UAE, showing off her gorgeous dress with black and white polka dots in a series of new photos that she shared on her Instagram account!

Jordyn Woods sunbathe while she can. The 22-year-old model accessed her Instagram account on March 16 to show her how she spends her time in the United Arab Emirates with a glamorous selection of photos depicting her pose by the pool. In the post of the carrousel, Jordyn showed off her magnificent black and white polka dot dress which perfectly accentuated her figure. The retro-inspired set includes draped straps with bare shoulders, thin spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. Jordyn paired the dress with a set of white open-toe heels and vintage sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sun. In the background, palm trees, huts and the ocean provided the perfect backdrop for his photo series. "I promise I'm not crazy, it's just my face, "said caption Jordyn of the pictures.

And Jordyn has seriously lived his best life! Friday, March 13, Jordyn went back to her Instagram to share more images of her international getaway. This time, however, Jordyn took a dip in the water in Abu Dhabi and looked really sun kissed in his shiny lime green bikini. Posing in the water, on a swing and sharing pictures of her time on the beach, Jordyn was completely at peace while taking some well-deserved rest and relaxation in his hectic schedule. "the first flight available to us is not for a few days, so I take full advantage and enjoy this view, "said Jordyn captioned the footage, referring to the global coronavirus pandemic, which has made travel more difficult major.

What made this set of photos special, however, was that they were published on Tristan Thompson29th anniversary! Naturally, Jordyn was not at all embarrassed by the occasion, clearly enjoying the sun and the sand after his tumultuous year involving Tristan and the Kardashian / Jenner family. Jordyn was immersed in the midst of the Tristan cheating scandal in February 2019, when the couple were caught kissing at a party. Partner of Tristan at the time, Khloe kardashian, 35, chose to end their relationship, but the whole ordeal became incredibly dramatic, leading Jordyn to be practically excommunicated from the Kardashian and Jenner family – including his former best friend, Kylie jenner, 22.

In the months following the scandal, however, Khloe's melody began to change, particularly what she felt for Jordyn. In early December 2019, Khloe shared a message essentially extending forgiveness to the 22-year-old model. "Who am I to convict someone else?" Yes, I have the right to feel pain and pain. It would be unnatural for me to pretend that I don't. Personally, I don't want to wear a hateful heart. I crave peace in my life, "said Khloe in her Instagram article, adding that" forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness. " Then she revealed, "This message is for Jordyn." With the past behind her, Jordyn is clearly ready for this new chapter in her life and is already fully embracing it!

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