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The zero Covid policy in China, a standard for XiJinping

The zero Covid policy in China, a standard for XiJinping


A Covid-19 screening test station, Beijing, China, September 8, 2022.

One of the most awaited information of the 20e congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will be given as soon as it opens on Sunday, October 16. Will the 2296 delegates wear a mask or not? In principle yes, zero Covid policy obliges.

But the presence on September 30 of hundreds of unmasked participants at two separate ceremonies attended by Xi Jinping, one in Tiananmen Square and the other inside the People’s Palace, sends the opposite message. Are we moving towards a gradual exit from this policy? On October 11, the People’s Daily considered on the contrary what is sustainable and must persist.

In fact, the signals sent lately by Beijing are contradictory. On the one hand, China agreed to lose face and let Canada organize the COP15 on biodiversity in December, which should have been held in Kunming in 2020 but was canceled due to the pandemic. Some international sporting events are also canceled or postponed and, according to several sources, Chinese civil aviation predicts that international air traffic departing from China will be, by the end of 2023, 15% of what it was before Covid-19. A percentage that is double the current traffic, but remains very low. On the other hand, China says it accepts the return of foreign students, shortens the duration of quarantine on arrival and even authorizes Hong Kong to end this practice.

A country closed in on itself

A thousand days after the start of the confinement of Wuhan, on January 23, 2020, the Chinese zero Covid policy (limiting the circulation of the virus as much as possible by limiting the circulation of individuals), decided and maintained by the Chinese president himself, remains the main marker of his second term.

It has even become its symbol. The symbol of a China closed in on itself, which seizes foreigners like the plague; of a totalitarian country which does not hesitate to transform its megalopolises into immense prisons, of a Big Brother State which uses, even manipulates, technology to control the slightest movement, and of a PCC which prefers to sacrifice its economy than to question this policy. All this because, nationalism obliges, the import of Western RNA vaccines is not permitted and Chinese laboratories are unable to manufacture such effective ones.

Already, the beginnings of the pandemic had been catastrophic for China’s reputation. The threats against doctors, whistleblowers in Wuhan at the beginning of January 2020, the death of one of them, doctor Li Wenliang, from Covid-19 in February 2020, the delay with which Beijing had recognized the transmission of the virus between humans, its refusal to accept a investigation by the World Health Organization into the origins of the virus All of this had seriously damaged its image. Especially since, far from making amends, China had puffed out its chest.

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