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Islamabad court upholds bail for Imran Khan in cases related to remarks against judge – Pakistan

Islamabad court upholds bail for Imran Khan in cases related to remarks against judge – Pakistan


An Islamabad District and Session Court on Thursday upheld the bail of PTI Chairman Imran Khan in a case related to his controversial remarks against Additional District and Session Judge (ADSJ) Zeba Chaudhry during of a public rally on August 20.

Civil Judge Kamran Basharat last week granted the former prime minister provisional bail until October 13 against bonds worth 50,000 rupees.

On September 30, senior civilian judge Rana Mujahid Rahim issued arrest warrants for Imran. After the High Court in Islamabad overturned the terrorism charges of the case registered against Imran, the case was transferred to a magistrate court and the PTI leader failed to secure bail.

Subsequently, the head of the PTI approached the IHC on October 2 with a request for bail before the arrest, which was subsequently granted.

Earlier in the day, the former prime minister arrived in court amid elaborate security with his lawyer Babar Awan and PTI leader Asad Umar.

In today’s hearing, Awan said there were two cases registered against Imran, one at Kohsar Police Station and the other at Margalla Police Station.

In the case registered at Kohsar police station, all suspects were released on bail, he said.

Here the judge asked the prosecutor if he had anything to say. Section 505, which is a no-bail offence, was included in the case filed against Imran at the Kohsar police station, prosecutor Wajid Munir responded.

What were the charges [in the case]? asked Judge Basharat. For passing incitement statements, Munir responded.

At this, the court accepted Imrans’ plea for bail.

Awan said another case against Imran was registered at Margalla police station. The terrorism charges in the case were overturned by the IHC. The head of the PTI had threatened the Inspector General of Islamabad after reports of torture in custody of Shahbaz Gills emerged.

The prosecutor said Imran threatened civilian workers. Where did he pass this statement? There are no no-bail offenses in this case, observed the judge here and upheld bail.

The court then ordered the head of the PTI to post bail bonds worth Rs 5,000 and Rs 50,000 at Margalla and Kohsar police stations respectively.

Contempt cases

The decision to initiate contempt proceedings against Imran was made by IHC Judge Aamer Farooq on August 22 during the hearing of a motion challenging Gills’ pre-trial detention by police. The court summoned Imran on August 31 and then issued him with a show cause notice.

The day before the hearing, the former prime minister had filed a response to the IHC in which he expressed his willingness to withdraw his remarks about Judge Chaudhry if they were deemed inappropriate. He had argued before the IHC that judges who had agreed to prosecute him should consider stepping down from the bench because he said they had prejudged the case.

However, the IHC found the response unsatisfactory and asked the head of PTI to submit a carefully considered response.

Following this, Imran submitted another response to the court. In the revised response, Imran refrained from issuing an unconditional apology.

On September 8, the IHC moved to charge Imran, once again calling his response unsatisfactory.

However, at the next hearing on September 22, when charges were expected to be brought against the PTI leader, Imran offered to apologize to Judge Chaudhry and escaped the act. of accusation.

Following his statement to the court, the larger panel handling the case said it was satisfied with the apology and asked the head of the PTI to submit an affidavit.

Before submitting the affidavit, Imran appeared in a court in Islamabad on Friday to personally apologize to Judge Chaudhry, but his apology was left on hold as the judge was on leave.

Meanwhile, in his affidavit, Imran said he realized during these (contempt) proceedings before the honorable court that he might have crossed a red line. However, he added, he never intended to threaten Judge Chaudhry and there was no intention behind that statement to take any action other than legal action.

He said he wanted to assure the IHC that he was willing to explain and clarify before Judge Chaudhry that neither he nor his party were/were seeking any action against her and that he was willing to apologize to from her if she felt like the submitter (Imran) had crossed a line.

He also expressed his willingness to take any other action the IHC deems necessary and appropriate for the satisfaction of the honorable court that he never intended to interfere in the court process or bring violation of the dignity or independence of the judiciary.

At the last hearing on Monday, October 3, the IHC dismissed the show cause notice issued to Imran, thus ending the contempt proceedings against the head of the PTI.




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